Korol D. M., Savchenko V. V., Korol M. D., Zhyvotovskyi I. V., Savchenko D. V.


About the author:

Korol D. M., Savchenko V. V., Korol M. D., Zhyvotovskyi I. V., Savchenko D. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The method for interpreting occlusal pressure intensity based on the chronometric measurement of film occlusiograms with video editor in young-aged patients is suggested in the paper. The observed group included 30 patients aged 18-25 years with intact dentitions who gave free informed consent for participation in the study. The dynamic analysis of occlusion correlation was performed with the occlusive film Fuji Prescale Low (Japan). The further computer data processing was carried out in FPD 8010 Win software package after scanning the obtained film occlusiograms. The chronometric analysis of the occlusiograms was conducted with video editor Pinnacle Studio for iPad. The program Small Stats for iPad was used for statistical data processing. The recording was carried out in the time interval from the first point contact till the complete filling of the occlusal template of the film. The study included the following chronometric segments: force duration 3 MPa, 4-5 MPa, 5-6 MPa, 6-7 MPa, 7-8 MPa, 8-9 MPa, 9-10 MPa, 10 MPa and more, considering the sensitivity of film used. It was determined that the increase in force of developing chewing pressure occurred with progressive acceleration and slowed down reaching the maximum force of MPa or more. The greatest intensity of chewing pressure was observed in the interval 8-10 MPa. The clear discontinuity in values decreasing with the pressure increase was determined in the intervals 7-8, 8-9 and 9-10 MPa. A full range of pressure values from 2.5 to 10 MPa was recorded in all investigated cases. Moreover, the time and pressure values were observed to be inversely related in the interval from 3 to 10 with the intensity deceleration in the segment 10 MPa and more. The intensity peak of the chewing pressure was recorded in the interval from 8 to 10 MPa. The study also found out the characteristic intersection of temporary values in the interval from 7 to 10 MPa, which significantly exceeding the average from 63% in the interval 7-8 MPa to 27% in the interval 9-10 MPa. High sensitivity of the method applied provides the wide prospects for accurate diagnosis of teeth and jaw system and evaluation of orthopedic treatment quality.


occlusion, occlusiogram, pressure force, chronometry, intensity


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 269-271 pages, index UDK 616.314.26-089.23-053.67