Korol D. M., Skubiy I. V., Korol M. D.


About the author:

Korol D. M., Skubiy I. V., Korol M. D.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The study results of the prosthetic bed mucous membrane state in fully edentulous patients at the orthopedic treatment stages are presented in the paper. Moreover, the author’s method for revealing the oral mucosa inflammation at the stages of orthopedic treatment was introduced into the diagnostic process. The research included patients of the first experimental group with complete removable plate dental prostheses manufactured according to the traditional technique and the second experimental group with complete removable plate prostheses based on endosseus implants with dental magnetic abutments application designed by the author. According to the study results, the average changes in the histogram pattern of the mucous membrane were determined in patients of the first and second group before the treatment: at the level of 197.7333 and 198.7612 relative units, correspondingly, which were statistically comparable. On the seventh day, this value has decreased to 142.7296 relative units in the first group, while in the second group the average value of the histogram has decreased to 125.3113 relative units. The revealed fluctuations and the difference between the values of two groups can be explained by the hyperemia increase as a result of the acute response to the surgical intervention. The significant increase in the average value of the histogram on 30 day in persons of both groups should be focused on, which indirectly demonstrates the course of regenerative processes after the surgical intervention. However, the increase in the average value was determined to be more significant in the second group (180.2504 relative units). At the same time, this value amounted to 159.6392 relative units in the first group. It has been determined that the increase in the average value of the oral mucosa histogram proves the effect of the mechanical load of the removable plate structure on the level of the mucous membrane hyperemia of the prosthetic bed, and confirms the positive effect of endosseus implants as the factors in the rational redistribution of the masticatory pressure.


oral mucosa, hyperemia, histogram, endosseus implants


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 272-275 pages, index UDK 616.311-06:616.314.2-089.28]-07