Steblyanko A. О., Grigorov S. M.


About the author:

Steblyanko A. О., Grigorov S. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The aim of the study was to study the dynamics of endogenous intoxication in patients with acute purulent periostitis of the jaws at the stages of surgical treatment following the local combined use of phytopreparation and laser radiation. Objects and methods of research. We observed 93 patients aged 18-60 years with odontogenic acute purulent periostitis of the jaws. Depending on the chosen method of treatment, all patients were divided into three groups. Patients of group I underwent standard treatment in hospital for 4-5 days. Patients from the group II, in addition to the standard treatment, had the local application of the phytomedication “Phytodent” (JSC “Krasnaya Zvezda”, Ukraine) after periostotomy. Patients of group III at the postoperative stage were treated by the phytopreparation “Phytodent” and low-intensity laser radiation according to the method developed by us. In the group ІV, 20 healthy volunteers were selected to evaluate and compare the results of the study. In all patients treated, the molecules of the middle mass and the C-reactive protein were determined in the oral fluid. Their results were evaluated three times: before treatment, on the next day after surgery and on the 4th day after the operation before release from the hospital. Results and discussion. Result of the studies has found that the initial values of the average weight molecule and C-reactive protein were significantly higher in comparison with the group of healthy volunteers, which indicates the presence of endogenous intoxication in the study groups of patients with acute purulent periostitis of the jaws. The next day after the operation, there was a slight increase in the molecules of average mass and C-reactive protein in the oral fluid in all study groups compared to the baseline, due to surgical trauma and secondary EE phenomena. Subsequently, in addition to the complex therapy and topical use of phytopreparation and low-intensity laser radiation in patients of group III, there was a tendency for a more rapid decrease in the level of average-mass molecules and C-reactive protein in the oral fluid than in patients of Group І, II. Conclusions. The treatment in all groups showed a significant decrease in the studied parameters of the oral fluid. A more rapid decrease in the level of molecules of the average mass and C-reactive protein in the oral fluid was observed in patients of the ІІІ group. The use of combined application of phytopreparation “Phytodent” and low-intensity laser radiation at the stages of complex treatment of odontogenic acute purulent periostitis of jaws revealed an optimal decrease in the level of endogenous intoxication, which proves the effectiveness of the proposed method in comparison with the standard one.


odontogenic acute purulent periostitis of the jaws, endogenous intoxication, medium-mass molecules, C-reactive protein, phytopreparation, low-intensity laser radiation


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 311-314 pages, index UDK 616.71.-018.44-002.31-099-085.849.19-085.322.