About the author:
Udod O. A., Voronina H. S., Rubailo V. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The high incidence of dental caries and its complications in children and adults has been determined by the numerous epidemiological studies conducted in various regions of the country. However, in recent years more people are seeking dental care only in case of acute pain, injuries or tooth extraction, if necessary. The aim of the study is to carry out the retrospective analysis of the dental care indices for the adult population of Kramatorsk city, Donetsk region over the last 10 years. Object and methods. Medico-statistical forms of the accounting and reporting medical records on the certain indices concerning the treatment activities of the municipal dental clinics of Kramatorsk city, Donetsk region over the period 2008−2017 years have been analyzed. The analysis included the total number of visits considering the initial ones, the total number of inserted dental fillings, the total number of removed permanent teeth, as well as their ratio. Results and discussions. Generally, in policlinic dental units of Kramatorsk during the period 2008−2017 years, 2.055.696 people who needed dental care have been registered. The number of initial visits amounted to 928.775 cases, which was 45.2% of the total number of visits. The gradual decrease in the total number of people visiting dental units for 10 years has been determined, namely, from 249.155 visits in 2008 (the number of initial visits amounted to 102.406, that was 41.1%), to 162.341 visits in 2017 (the number of initial visits amounted to 71286, that was 43 9%). The number of inserted dental fillings has also been registered to be decreased from 138.666 in 2008 to 80.157 in 2017 that was 1.7 times. Along with the decrease in the number of fillings, the inverse tendency concerning the total number of removed permanent teeth has been revealed and the certain fluctuations of this index have been determined with its gradual increase during 2015 and 2016 years to 41.868 and 43.941, correspondingly, and with the maximum values in 2008 and 2017 years, during which 44.609 and 44.259 teeth, respectively, have been removed which indirectly indicated the increase in the number of complicated forms of caries cases. Consequently, the ratio of the total number of inserted fillings and the total number of removed permanent teeth decreased from maximum 3.25: 1 in 2010 and 2012 years, while in 2008 year the index amounted to 3.11: 1, to minimum values 1.87: 1 and 1.81: 1 in 2016 and 2017, respectively. Conclusions. The retrospective analysis of the dental care indices for the adult population of Kramatorsk city over the period of 2008-2017 years has determined the decrease in the total number of visits to the dental units by city residents and the decrease in the number of inserted fillings on the one hand, and the increase in the number of the removed permanent teeth on the other hand, which in a certain way indicated the dental health deterioration of the population.
adult population, dental care, indices, retrospective analysis
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 part 1 (146), 2018 year, 318-321 pages, index UDK 616.314-002-085(477.62)