About the author:
Serheta I. V., Ocheredko O. M., Redchits M. A., Belov O. O., Stoyan N. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Carrying out an in-depth assessment of the regularities of the course of psychophysiological, mental and social-psychological professional adaptation involves establishing the peculiarities of educational and extracurricular activities in the context of the formation of professional adaptation of students. The aim of the work is to carry out a comprehensive hygienic assessment of the peculiarities of educational and extracurricular activities and to study the medical, social and personal aspects of the formation of professional adaptation of students studying medicine. The obtained data testify to the presence of clearly defined manifestations of exceeding the normative parameters of the permissible length of stay of student youth, which are established by hygienic requirements, which have a negative impact on the processes of forming the adaptation capabilities of students, significantly reducing the degree of functional readiness of their organism to successfully perform educationally significant professionally oriented tasks. 29.5% of young women and 36.7% of young men spend time on classroom and extracurricular activities between 8-9 hours, 26.2% of young women and 31.7% of young men – between 7-8 hours, 16.4 % of young women and 18.3% of young men – within 6-7 hours. It was determined that among 88.6% of young women and 71.7% of young men, the values reflecting the peculiarities of their motor activity do not reach the limits of normative values. 49.3% of young women define the time spent in the fresh air as the preferred duration of time up to 1 hour, 40.9% of young women – time within 1-2 hours, and only 9.9% of young women – time within the range of more than 2 hours. Instead, the vast majority of young men, namely 50.0% of students, spend 1-2 hours in the fresh air, 35.0% of young men – more than 2 hours, 15.0% of young men – up to 1 hour. The predominant number of meals for young women (42.6%) and young men s (51.7%) should be considered three meals a day, organized independently. 63.7% of young women and 81.7% of young men, i.e. the vast majority of the studied students, characterize the regime of their daily activities as stressful and very stressful, which, undoubtedly, creates essential prerequisites for the development of fatigue phenomena, a pronounced decrease in the adaptive resources of their organism. In the structure of diseases with temporary loss of working capacity, diseases of the respiratory organs (86.2% among young women and 83.3% among young men), diseases of the digestive system, nervous system, and injuries significantly prevail. In the structure of chronic diseases, the most common are diseases of the nervous system, digestive organs and circulatory system. Therefore, the data of the analysis of the medical, social and personal aspects of the organization of educational and extracurricular activities of students prove the need to take them into account in the context of the development of health-preserving technologies, the creation of a preventive educational environment, etc.
students,institution of higher education,learning,adaptation,hygienic assessment
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (168), 2023 year, 102-113 pages, index UDK 613:616-053.82:004.773