Moisieiev A. I., Bozhok G. A.


About the author:

Moisieiev A. I., Bozhok G. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Search and optimization of methods of cryopreservation of multicellular objects, in particular spheroids (SF), is an urgent issue, the solution of which will allow more efficient application of SF in biological research, biotechnology, regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. In the present study, a cryopreservation regime was used, which included temperature and cooling rate parameters, and SF saturation time in a cryoprotective medium, previously determined by physical and mathematical modeling based on the permeability coefficients of water molecules and dimethyl sulfoxide cryoprotectant (DMSO). The goal of the work is to study the functional state of SF from L929 cells after cryopreservation according to the regimen established on the basis of physical and mathematical modeling. Experimental studies were performed on SF from L929 cells after cryopreservation according to the regime determined on the basis of theoretical calculations (exposure in a cryoprotective medium for 65 sec, cooling rate 2°C/min to – 80°C followed by immersion into liquid nitrogen ( – 196°C)) in comparison with empirically established regimens (exposure in a cryoprotective medium for 10 minutes, cooling rate 1°C/min to – 40°C or to – 80°C followed by immersion into liquid nitrogen). Post thawing, SF was placed in culture conditions, after which the ability of SF to adhere and their metabolic activity in the MMT assay, the proliferative activity of cells that migrated from SF, and the migratory – proliferative potential in the monolayer “scratch assay” were studied. It was found that all the above indicators, except for the ability of SF to adhesion, were higher when using SF cryopreserved in a theoretically determined regimen, compared with SF cryopreserved in empirically selected regimens. Thus, cryopreservation according to the regimen established on the basis of physical and mathematical modeling leads to more effective preservation of functional properties (cell migration and proliferation) and metabolic state (MTT – assay) of SF after thawing compared to other regimes.


spheroid, L929 cell line, cryopreservation, migration, proliferation, MTT test.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (164), 2022 year, 100-108 pages, index UDK 57.086.13:576.5.016