Safarova R. I.


About the author:

Safarova R. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Goal. To study the influence of social and hygienic factors on the activation of the mechanism of transmission of human papillomavirus among women. Methods. 1,366 women were examined at the Oncology Clinic of the Azerbaijan Medical University to identify the prevalence of HPV among women of reproductive age. Identification of the influence of socio-hygienic factors on the activation of the mechanism of HPV transmission was carried out by grouping the examined 232 women depending on the degree of material well-being, the level of hygienic culture and housing and communal conditions. 232 women with HPV were divided into 3 groups: married – 80 patients, unmarried youth – 38 patients, and unmarried adults, more often divorced- 114 patients, and found out the awareness of their sexual partners about the disease. Results. To assess risk factors, a retrospective case-control study was conducted among 312 surveyed women aged 18-44 years. Two groups were formed: group I – 232 women with detected high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV-BP) (16,18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59 genotypes), group II – 80 women with negative HPV testing. Risk factors were assessed based on the survey data. Women aged 25-29 years are more likely to be infected with HPV-BP (OR=2.12), whereas at the age of 18-24, HPV infection is less common (OR=0.96). Most of the patients were identified among persons with polygamous sexual relations – 8.2±0.7%, among persons with monogamous sexual relations, the number of patients was less – 6.4±0.6% and the least of them were identified among persons without sexual relations – 1.2±0.2%. Mandatory treatment of sexual partners is considered the leading preventive measure. Conclusions. The approbation of HPV prevention methods and their epidemiological assessment showed that it should be based on the timely detection and treatment of HPV patients with the mandatory conduct of the same work among their sexual partners, systematic sanitary and agitation work among the population on the main measures of HPV prevention. The assimilation of these measures by the population and their implementation can significantly limit the spread of HPV among women.


human papillomavirus, cervical cancer, social factors.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (164), 2022 year, 109-113 pages, index UDK 6181-082-132