Majidova N.B.


About the author:

Majidova N.B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Goal. To study the effectiveness of broadband radiowave surgery and argonoplasma coagulation in the treatment of benign cervical diseases in women. Methods. The study involved n=150 women of various ages who applied to the Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Baku. The main group consisted of n=130 women. The control group consisted of 20 conditionally healthy women. Examination (n=130) of women included the following methods: clinical, laboratory, bacteriological and microscopic studies of the cervical canal and vaginal discharge, histological studies; instrumental methods. Instrumental studies included: Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (the device «LOGIK 500GE» and «MEDISONSA‑8000»), colposcopy. To carry out liquid cytology, we used the «CellScan 100A» device. The technology of broadband wave surgery and argonoplasmic coagulation (APC) was applied, as well as a biopsy for histological examination using the FOTEK EA 141M device (manufactured by FOTEK LLC, Russia). Results. There were identified: nonspecific vaginitis in 8 cases; ectopia, endocervicitis – 23 cases; extrapion – 7; cervical polyp – 9; leukoplakia – 15 cases; atrophic vaginitis – 7 cases; condyloma – 12; cervical erosion – 37; cervical stenosis – 2; cervical endometriosis – 10 cases. Of n=50 women, 38 patients underwent argonoplasmic coagulation (ablation) with the FOTEK EA 141M device, 12 underwent cervical excision. The age of the women ranged from 23 to 65 years. «High» oncogenic risk of HPV was noted in 33 (66 %) patients, «low» oncogenic risk of HPV – in 12, which was 24 % of cases, respectively. The effectiveness of treatment was assessed by the activity of the process of epithelization of the wound surface on the 30th; 45th; 60th day after the treatment. Complete epithelialization of the wound surface was noted on day 45 in 38 (100 %) women after APC and in 12, which accounted for 100 % of cases after excision. The APC method can be used in unborn women in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Conclusions. Broadband radio wave technology using the FOTEK EA 141M device with the function of argonoplasmic coagulation makes it possible to treat a whole range of gynecological diseases in women, which makes it possible to recommend this tactic for the treatment of benign cervical diseases in women of any age.


benign cervical diseases, treatment, argon plasma coagulation, cervical cancer


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (164), 2022 year, 204-207 pages, index UDK 618.14–006