About the author:
Sakevych V. D., Trybrat T. A., Sakevych V. I., Serazhim S. N., Subota E. N.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The current demographic situation is characterized by a rapid increase in the population of elderly people in the world. The population of the globe, especially in industrialized countries, is constantly aging. In our time on Earth, the proportion of people over 60 years old is more than 15%, and the population is over 65 years old. According to forecasts by 2020, their number will grow at least 2 times. Today, as before, there is a view that age is an important factor that allows metabolic disorders that slowly progress to fully manifest. Data from epidemiological studies have shown that the frequency of MS increases gradually with the aging of the body, dramatically increasing in people over 50 years of age. The frequency of MS is 20-40%, increases with age in both men and women, reaching the maximum value in the age group of 60-69 years. Age is an important factor that allows metabolic disorders that slowly progress completely to manifest. The frequency of metabolic syndrome increases gradually with the aging of the body, rising sharply in persons older than 50 years. Factors that underlie atherosclerosis and type II diabetes can be considered as a subject of gerontology. Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a complex of interconnected risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and diabetes mellitus (DM). These factors include dysglycemia, high blood pressure (AT), elevated levels of triglycerides, low cholesterol levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL) and obesity (especially central). For the first time, the question of the association of metabolic syndrome with age was introduced on the agenda at the XIV International Atherosclerosis Symposium held by the Lorenzina Foundation in Rome in 2006. It should be noted that at present, attention is focused on the possible role of insulin resistance as a link between the factors that are components of the MS, but the pathogenesis remains completely unclear, as well as the establishment of clear diagnostic criteria. If the pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and, accordingly, the therapeutic tactic of the glycemic profile in people with MS in young and middle age are more predictable, then the gerontological aspects of this problem have their own peculiarities associated with the age-old peculiarities of metabolic processes. Lower tissue sensitivity to insulin (insulin resistance) is the main mechanism that leads to carbohydrate metabolism disorders in people with excessive body weight. It is important to grow up visceral fat tissue - a trigger that triggers the pathological process. In the elderly and the elderly, decreased peripheral tissue sensitivity to insulin and, consequently, decreased glucose uptake by peripheral tissues. The phenomenon of insulin resistance is currently not sufficiently studied, the reasons for widening of the visceral tissue have not been clarified, the factors of development of the pathological process have not been identified. However, it is increasingly predictable that metabolic disorders, which are at the heart of atherosclerosis and type II diabetes, can be considered as a subject of gerontology. The increase in the prevalence of MS with age, taking into account the progressive aging of the population, indicates the need to find new methods and targets for the treatment of this potentially threatening condition. In connection with an increase in the specific gravity of polypharmacy and forced polytherapy in geriatric practice, it is advisable to concentrate efforts to find predominantly non-pharmacological methods for correction of basic pathophysiological mechanisms of MS.
metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, metabolism
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (151), 2019 year, 53-57 pages, index UDK 616—008.9:613.71/9