About the author:
Kalynychenko D. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Strengthening of preventive focus of health care, orientation towards preserving human health, and improving demographic situation are the modern priority principles of sustainable development of society. It is wellknown that environmental pollution becomes one of the decisive factors affecting health of the population in general and reproductive health in particular. The purpose of the study was to assess the state of reproductive health of women of fertile age in various districts of the Sumy region for 22 years, taking into account the impact of environmental factors. The object and methods of research. In order to achieve this goal, an epidemiological method of research was used (for identifying problems of prophylaxis, causes, conditions and mechanisms of morbidity formation in order to substantiate preventive measures). In the course of the study, the state of reproductive health of women and adolescents in the Sumy region, using statistical reports of health care institutions of the region for the years 1994- 2017, was assessed. The dynamics of women’s incidence of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, menstrual disorders, infertility, the number of births, and abortions were studied. The demographic processes in the region and the state of environment in the districts of the region are analyzed according to the following indicators: 1) household and drinking water supply (number of samples from centralized and decentralized water supply sources for sanitary and chemical indicators that did not meet the sanitary standards (in %); 2) levels of atmospheric air pollution (by the number of air samples exceeding the maximum allowable concentrations (MAC) of nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, dust, soot, formaldehyde, ammonia, phenol and its derivatives (in %)); 3) hygienic characteristics of food raw materials and food products (number of samples for chemical indicators, pesticides and radioactive substances that did not meet the sanitary standards (in %)). Results of research and their discussion. The study identified areas with a relatively favorable, tense and crisis demographic situation. The author distinguished districts of the region with low environmental quality (31,57%) by the frequency of exceeding MAC of chemically active and biologically aggressive substances in the atmospheric air, water, food products, medium (15,79%) and optimal environmental quality (52,63%). The number of menstrual disorders and female infertility cases was higher in areas with an average level of atmospheric pollution in terms of total emissions compared to areas with high and low levels of pollution. Birth rate in areas with an average level of emissions in the atmosphere was lower than in areas with high and low emissions (in different years – credibly or with a tendency for differences). Pathology of pregnancy and childbirth tended to be exceeded in areas with high levels of emissions compared to areas with medium to low atmospheric pollution, and according to 2016 statistical data, it is likely to be higher in areas with a high level of emissions than in areas with a low level of pollution, despite the overall tendency to reducing the amount of emissions into the atmosphere. Expansion of individual conditions occurring in the perinatal period as a whole, had a similar tendency to exceed their frequency in areas with a significant amount of emissions. There was found the tendency to exceed the frequency of female infertility in the regions with the highest exceeding of MAC of chemically active and biologically aggressive substances in 1994-1997. Conclusions. The search for the relationship between spread of diseases of the reproductive system and various states (associated with them) with a set of environmental factors allowed to establish only isolated links and to assume the existence of a combined effect of the etiological factors of this pathology.
reproductive health, women, environment, pollution, maximum allowable concentrations.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (151), 2019 year, 72-76 pages, index UDK 613.99:616-084