About the author:
Melnik O. A., Kozihkurt O. V., Golubyatnikov M. I., Sidenko V. P.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of the work: to evaluate the current epidemic process of some natural-focal diseases in the Odessa region. To analyze the role of wild animals, migratory birds (water and around the water complex) and carriers – hematopoietic arthropods in the formation of natural cells in the Ukrainian Black Sea coast. The object and methods of research. The object of the study is the manifestation of the epidemic process of certain natural-focal diseases. In the study of the prevalence of individual diseases caused by arboviruses – West Nile fever, tick-borne encephalitis and leptospirosis were used: epidemiological, parasitologic, laboratory-diagnostic, and statistical methods. Research results and their discussion. It was established that the primary role as a reservoir of infection, in leptospirosis belongs to water-borne rodents, the infection of which, depending on the species, is from 17.50 to 60.70%. Infestation of field rodents on average is 2.77; birds, amphibians and reptiles of coastal-water ecosystems – up to 47.44%. In the north of the Odessa region, cases of leptospirosis are constantly recorded, the most pronounced endemicity is in the Savransky district, where the intensity of the endemic process is maintained due to favorable conditions for the presence of rodents. The etiostructure of leptospirosis is represented by five serotypes of leptospiros (L. Icterohaemorrhagiae, L. Canicola, L. Grippotyphosa, L. Hebdomadis, L. Sejroe) and their combination. Often, the disease was caused by L. Icterohaemorrhagiae – in 77,36% of cases, and in 5,66% of patients, antibodies were detected in 2 serogroups. With the active participation of wetlands and synanthropic birds in the central and northern parts of the Odessa region favorable conditions for the formation of cells of arbovirus infections are formed: West Nile fever, tick-borne encephalitis in the south, as evidenced by the positive results obtained in 8.24% of the surveyed individuals. Conclusions. An estimation of the current epidemic process of leptospirosis, the centers of which are recorded in almost 2/3 of the area and usually formed around the reservoirs with which the associated rodents, farm animals and animals-hydrobionts. Among the latter (birds, amphibians and reptiles), seropositivity was detected up to 47.44%. In 77,36% of cases, the disease was caused by L. Icterohaemorrhagiae. The role of wild animals, migratory birds and carriers – bloodthirst arthropods in the formation of natural cells of arbovirus infections in the Ukrainian Black Sea region has been analyzed. The active circulation of the tickborne encephalitis virus among ticks is established in the central and northern parts of the region, and West Nile fever in the center, in the south and north of the region. In the development of the epidemic process, wetlands and synanthropic birds participate. In general, antibodies to arboviruses were detected in 8.24% of the examined individuals.
biocenosis, natural cells, rodents, birds, carriers, leptospirosis, arboviruses
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (151), 2019 year, 77-81 pages, index UDK 616.99:576.3(477.7)