About the author:
Nemtsova V., Ilchenko I., Zlatkina V., Zaprovalna O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Aging of the body is a complex biological process, characterized by a decrease in viability as a result of a decrease with the age organism structural order and an increase in the degree of it depletion. Patients with comorbidity of arterial hypertension (H) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2T) deserve special attention, since these pathologies clearly show a tendency towards growth as they grow older, and the steady increase in the number of patients with these diseases determines their social significance. Aim: to study the effect of hypertension, metabolic and endocrine imbalance on changes in aging rate (AR) and determine their predictive role in different age groups patients with comorbidityObject and methods. The study included 164 patients who were divided into 4 groups depending on age and pathology: 1st group – 40 middle-aged patients – 45-60 years with H II stage; group 2 – 42 elderly patients – 61 to 75 years with H II stage; group 3 – 44 middle-aged patients with HI I stage and DM2T; group 4 – 38 elderly patients with H II stage and DM2T. All patients performed anthropometric measurements (height, body weight, body mass index). Laboratory studies included determination of fasting glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), serum lipid profile by standard methods. Biological age (BA) was determined by the method of V.P. Voitenko et al. Control group consists of data of 22 volunteers corresponding to patients by age and gender without manifestation of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases clinical signs. Results. AR indexes in patients of the 1st and 2nd groups were higher than controls, but did not significantly differ in dependence of age. The presence of DM2T contributed to the acceleration of AR as in middle-aged (group 3), as in the elderly (group 4) patients. In this case, the difference in AR between patients with H and DM2T significantly increased depending on age (p<0,05). In the assessment of AR in patients with isolated H, physiological type of aging was detected in 9 persons in the 1st group (22.5%) and 8 persons in the 2nd group (19.0%); delayed type of aging was observed in 5 persons in the 1st group (12.5%) and 4 persons (9.5%) in the 2nd group; accelerated type of aging was in 28 patients in the 1st group (70.0%) and 30 patients (71.4%) in the 2nd group. Among patients with combined course of H and DM2T, physiological aging was observed in 5 patients in the 3rd group (11.4%) and 3 patients in the 4th group (7.9%); delayed type of aging – in 3 patients (6.8%) in the 3rd group and only in one patient (2.6%) in the 4th group; accelerated type of aging was observed in 36 patients (81.8%) in the 3rd group and 34 patients (89.5%) in the 4th group. Correlation between lipid metabolism, glycosylated hemoglobin and aging parameters in all study groups was established. Conclusions. In patients of different age groups with H and DM2T the indexes characterizing aging rates were the most dependent on age and comorbidity of diseases and were the worst in the combined course of H and DM2T in the elderly. The biological age has reliable relationships with metabolic and endocrine imbalance and characterizes the aging rate of the human body, which makes this parameter an universal marker that can be used not only for assessing the functional state of the organism as a whole, but also for assessing cardiovascular risk.
aging rate, arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic changes
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (151), 2019 year, 139-143 pages, index UDK 616.12-008.331.1-037-06-053:616-008.9:612.67