About the author:
Prokopyuk V. Yu., Pasiyeshvili N. M., Prokopyuk O. V., Karpenko V. G., Loginova O. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The common cause of female infertility is the adhesion process and the fallopian tubes dysfunction after surgical treatment. Several studies have shown that the placental derivatives (cells, membranes, explants) have a positive trophic effect on ulcers, tissue defects, and anti-fibrotic properties. In our previous studies have shown, that cryopreserved placental experiments (CPE) have a positive trophic effect on organotype uterus cultures, stimulating the effect of the uterus and ovary in vivo. The aim of the work was to determine the effect of cryopreserved placental explants on the fallopian tubes postoperative healing. Operational injury was modeled on Wistar rats. All animals were divided into 4 groups of 14 animals in each: 1 group – animals with the introduction of CPE in a day after surgery with the use of prevention of adhesion, 2 group – animals with the introduction of CPE without prevention of adhesion, 3 – operated animals without CPE with adhesions prevention, 4 – operated animals without CPE and adhesions prevention. Prevention of was done by antiadhesion gel, contained sodium hyaluronate. Results. It was found that animals that received anti- adhesion prophylaxis had adhesion process – 0 – I degree, animals after surgery without application of antiadhesion barrier – III – IV degree of adhesion process. Thereby, the degree of adhesion process depends only on anti-adhesion gel, but not on CPE. A histological examination showed that application of CPE, leads to formation of a loose scar and the tendency to the uterus layers restore, a clear separation of the endometrium, myometrium and serous were observed. Endometrial hyperplasia was also observed the glands were not regenerated. In grups, after the operation without CPE, the formation of a fibrous scar and no endometrial hyperplasia was observed. In the analysis of reproductive parameters, it has been shown that after CPR and anti-adhesion gel application, an increase in the number of yellow bodies and fetuses was observed. After CPR without anti-adhesion gel application, the number of yellow bodies increased, but the number of fetuses decreased, what can be explained by adhesion process. Conclusions. The placental derivatives application to improve the prognosis in gynecological operations has some specifics. Firstly, CPR stimulate uterine reparation, provide a more complete restoration of the uterus, stimulate the ovarian function. Secondly, the cryopreserved explants application does not prevent the adhesions formation in the abdominal cavity. To improve the prognosis in gynecological operations, it is expedient to use cryopreserved placenta experiments, for restoring the tube wall and anti- adhesion prophylaxis.
surgery, uterine tube, placenta, cryopreservation, rats, infertility
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (151), 2019 year, 151-155 pages, index UDK 618.12-089.844: 615.361.