Smolenko N. P., Chistyakova E. Ye., Belkina I. O., Shcherbakov O. B., Korenyeva Ye. M.


About the author:

Smolenko N. P., Chistyakova E. Ye., Belkina I. O., Shcherbakov O. B., Korenyeva Ye. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The influence of cerium dioxide nanoparticles (NpСеО2 ) on the reproductive function of male males with simulated cryoinjury with chronic prostatitis was studied. Male rats weighing 300-350 g modeled abacterial inflammation of the prostate by cryotraumatism of the ventral part using a Cryo Wartner device (manufactured by Omega Pharma International, Belgium). NpCeO2 size 2 x 7 nm in a dose of 0.1 mole/liter in an amount of 0.5 ml per animal (group CP + NP CeO2 ) and a reference preparation (0.5% Prostatilen, in a volume of 0.4 ml per animal) (group CP + prostatylen) were injected into the upper rectum with a special catheter from the 15th day after surgery for 2 weeks. Control was provided by unordered males (Control group) and those that modeled a chronic prostatitis (group CP-model). In dynamics, leukocytosis was determined. Studied the state of spermatogenesis, determined the mass of the pituitary gland and genital organs. The histological structure of the prostate was studied and its morphometric measurements were performed. Results. The simulation of chronic prostatitis in male rats affected the condition of seminal vesicles, whose absolute weight increased by almost 25% (p <0.05, vs. 100% in control) by increasing the mass of secretion. The number of leukocytes in males of all groups gradually increased almost twice in the 14th day after the modeling of the CP, and then gradually decreased, but the control values were achieved in blood only in animals of the group CP + prostatilen. In group CP-model, lower sperm concentration (by 44%) and integral index Cn (by 48%), twice the sperm motility decreased, with pathological cells occurring 2.8 times more often (p <0.05, vs. in control). At morphometric analysis of this group there was a stretching of the finite parts of most prostatic glands, atrophy of the glandular epithelium, congestion and secretion, productive inflammatory reaction, coagulation of the stroma. Correction NP CeO2 animals with chronic prostatitis led to a decrease in the mass of investigated organs to the indicators of control animals. Analysis of the spermograms of the CP + NP SeO2 group revealed an increase of 2.1 times the concentration of sperm and 2.2 fold of the integral index Cn, with a decrease of 2.2 times the pathological forms of sperm (p <0.05, vs. group CP- model). The parameters of the spermogram group CP + NP SeO2 were close to those of intact animals. The morphometry data showed that LHE SeO2 at the therapeutic introduction revealed a tendency to decrease the atrophic changes of the terminal organs of the prostatic glands, to a certain extent reduced the severity of the productive inflammatory reaction, manifestations of fibrosis of the stroma, indicating the restoration of the function of prostate. Conclusions. The experimental data obtained show the corrective effect of cerium dioxide nanoparticles on the effects of CRT in rats. The result is a reduction in atrophic changes in the terminal parts of the prostate gland, manifestations of stroke fibrosis and inflammatory reactions, the restoration of the function of the software and the normalization of the spermogram


dioxide cerium nanoparticles, prostate, prostatitis male rat, spermogram.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (151), 2019 year, 164-166 pages, index UDK 616.65-002:546.655:616-08