About the author:
Roiko N. V., Filenko B. M., Novoseltseva T. V., Proskurnia S. А., Cherniak V. V., Starchenko І. І.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The academic activity of the Department of Pathological Anatomy with Autopsy Course is grounded on the synergy of the pedagogical process and educational activities. In the system of medical education, theoretical and practical training in pathomorphology the Museum of Macrospecimens takes the leading place. Currently, the collection of the museum has a special value, since the production of new natural objects becomes a rather difficult task. The history of the Department’s museum dates back to 1967, when the Kharkiv Medical Stomatological Institute was transferred to Poltava and renamed into the Poltava Medical Stomatological Institute and the areas of the Department was significantly expanded. The most active period of the museum’s development was noted in the 70s of the last century. Under the guidance of Associate Professors І.І. Davydenko and A.P. Gasiuk all faculty members of the Department and practical pathologists were involved into activities on replenishment of the resources of the museum of macrospecimens. In recent years, the teachers have developed original methods for preserving of macrospecimens with improved sealing of glass containers. Despite the certain complexities, the museum is constantly replenished with new exhibits, and the material of diseases of the orofacial area, cardiovascular, central nervous systems, placental pathology is collecting. It is planned to expand the section of embryo- and fetopathy, taking into account the urgency of the problem of prenatal diagnosis. The stock contains very unique and little used specimens such as the denture in the right bronchus, sarcoma of the upper jaw of the German soldier during the Great Patriotic War, and others. Macrospecimens are also successfully used at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education by interns majoring in Pathological Anatomy, Surgery. Students of our academy have the opportunity to study specimens in all areas of discipline. Self-investigation of the pathological process at the organ level with the assessment of the dynamics of structural changes promotes the development of clinical thinking of future physicians and understanding the significance of pathological anatomy in acquisition of clinical disciplines. When studying all the topics of general and special pathological anatomy, special sets of specimens are formed according to the curricula of medical and dental departments. In addition, the museum spesimens are used in the work of the student’s scientific club. To discuss topics related to the assessment of the impact of adverse environmental factors, special sets of specimens are used that reflect the structural changes in human organs and tissues under the influence of smoking, alcohol, drugs and other harmful habits and the influence of environmental factors that can become a serious motivation for a more reasonable attitude to health, lifestyle and acquired habits. Currently, the museum is becoming more and more popular among the students and schoolchildren of the city and the region: the department regularly conducts classes on the professional orientation of high school, college and HEI students. Demonstration of macrospecimens, illustrating the medical aspects of pathology, is often helpful for the entrants to finally decide on the choice of the profession. In addition, the demonstration of the effects of harmful habits on the human body and future offspring encourages young people to overlook the life style and the priorities they set for themselves. Thus, the Museum at the Department of Pathological Anatomy with Autopsy Course is an integral part of the educational process of students and interns. Furthermore, the museum exhibits are an important visual demonstration of the need for a careful attitude towards the health, which is being promoted among the schoolchildren and students of Poltava city.
museum, pathomorphology, education, upbringing
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (151), 2019 year, 187-189 pages, index UDK 616-091:378.147