About the author:
Stetsenko S., Morokhovets H., Lysanets Yu.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» (2014) stipulates that the scientific and methodological support of educational activities should correspond to the standards of higher education, whereas the scientific and pedagogical staff should provide teaching the disciplines of the corresponding educational syllabus in the specialty on a high scientific, theoretical and methodological level and conduct research activity. In addition, the law stipulates that a higher education institution is required to comprise a library stock which must meet the demands of educational standards. The aim of the present paper is to analyze the features of presenting the material on some sections of biological and medical physics in the domestic and foreign literature. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that the issues of developing and using the educational and methodological support for teaching the disciplines provided by the syllabus, constitute an important methodological problem. We consider it expedient to investigate the features of using educational and scientific literature in the study of medical and biological physics. This discipline is included in the natural-mathematical cycle, and the presentation of educational material should be integrative and include the information in theoretical, experimental physics, biology and medicine. Transformations in medical sector have led to significant changes in the system of higher medical education. By the order of the Ministry of Public Health No. 972 as of August 28, 2017, institutions of higher education are permitted to publish manuscripts of textbooks upon the decision of academic council. Information support for higher education is provided by textbooks, teaching manuals, dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books. The article considers the features of presenting some sections of medical and biological physics in the domestic and foreign literature. The choice of academic literature for teaching medical and biological physics should not be limited to special literature. For example, while teaching the topic «Biophysics of blood circulation. Methods of measuring blood pressure», one should take into account the basic concepts of hydroand hemodynamics, in particular the concept of ideal fluid, flow, stationary flow. The article describes the methodical foundations of teaching medical and biological physics as exemplified by individual topics. The paper shows the integrative connections of classical physics, biology, and medicine in the unity of concepts, laws, phenomena and processes occurring in the human body. The choice of educational and scientific literature for providing the qualitative teaching of medical and biological physics to students in the field of knowledge “22 – Health care”, specialties “222 – Medicine” and “221 – Dentistry” have been substantiated. Teaching medical and biological physics to first-year students of higher medical education institutions should be conducted at a high methodological level. The choice of educational literature should not be limited to textbooks on biophysics. Thus, specialized physical and scientific literature is needed to explain complex physical processes in the human body. The study of some topics in biological and medical physics should be conducted in close integrative relationships of classical physics with biology, chemistry, and medicine.
medical and biological physics, educational literature, professional competencies
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (151), 2019 year, 190-192 pages, index UDK 577.3+53:61-029:82-96