About the author:
Martynenko V. B., Gromova A. M., Nesterenko L. A., Talash V. V., Liakhovska T. Y.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Implementation of endoscopic methods into the clinical practice with the use of technical facilities became the new stage in diagnostics and treatment of disorders of women’s reproductive function; it made it possible to expand the indications, improve the treatment results and develop new, more rational reconstructive and organ-preserving surgeries. Objective of this study consists in the performance evaluation of laparoscopic method of surgical treatment and diagnostics in women with disorders of reproductive function. We carried out the retrospective analysis of clinical records and surgery protocols of patients after laparoscopies performed in Poltava Central Regional Hospital, which is the clinical base of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1 of UMSA. The analysis of 1003 women who had laparoscopic surgeries was performed; among them there were 231 women (23%) with infertility. The age of examined patients varied from 19 to 35 years and it was 27.5 at average. In majority of patients the duration of infertile period was 2-3 years (64.8%). One third part of examined women did not get pregnant for 1-2 years with regular sexual activity (26.6%). There was absence of pregnancy during 10-12 months in 1.9% of women and more than 3 years – in 6.7% of women. 145 (63%) patients who had fertilityassociated surgeries got pregnant. In the patients with endometriosis the infertility was observed in 73 cases (49%). After surgical and conservative treatment pregnancy occurred in 50 cases (68%). Endoscopy in combination with other methods is one of the main components of diagnostics and treatment of reproductive function disorders. Efficiency of laparoscopy in the recovery of fertility of the patients with tuboperitoneal infertility, endometriosis and syndrome of polycystic ovaries is quite high and equals to 63%.
aparoscopy, endoscopy, infertility, endometriosis, benign tumors of ovaries, fertility.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (151), 2019 year, 196-199 pages, index UDK 618.1-089:618.2