About the author:
Zhivotovsky I. V., Sylenko Yu. I., Khrebor M. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
With the development of orthopedic stomatology, more and more attention is being paid to the question of the color of the teeth due to the increased aesthetic requirements of patients for restoring or reconstructing their smile. In addition to the shape and function, color is also a decisive factor in the identity or distinction of indirect restoration along with intact teeth. When orthopedic structures look natural and do not stand out in the dental artery, the degree of patient satisfaction increases and the number of complaints decreases. The color of the crowns of the teeth and their characteristic color characteristics play an important role in perception of the appearance of a person, the formation of his image and self-esteem. The purpose of the study: to determine the degree of deviation in determining the color of the teeth by the most common visual method using the color scale A-D shadeguide (Ivoaсlar Vivandent). Object and methods of research: 30 medical staff participated in these studies (only 3 groups for 10 people). The first group is dentists-therapists who have the technique of direct restoration, the second group – orthopedic dentists, who regularly select the color of teeth for the manufacture of indirect restorations, the third group – dental equipment, which directly make orthopedic constructions. A total of 24 intact teeth in the frontal area of the upper jaw were evaluated in four young patients (25 to 35 years old) of varying tone and brightness. As a benchmark, we took the A-Dshadeguide (IvoclarVivandent) color chart and the color model CIELab to identify the teeth. All health workers followed the rules of color selection and worked in one office equipped with a shade with a color temperature of 5100 K and a color index of 95. The results of the study showed that dentists-therapists are guided in the choice of color on the scale A-D ShadeGuide. But only 10% of them chose the right shades. The error in color determination by dentists, orthopedists was 40%, and dental technicians – 50%.
determination of the color of the teeth, error in determining the color, discolorite
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (151), 2019 year, 232-236 pages, index UDK 616.314-008.4-07:616-052