About the author:
Kaminska M. V., Rozhko M. M., Erstenyuk H. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Many findings suggest that compounds of heavy metals might cause metabolic disorders and as a result lead to damages in organs and systems, therefore increasing the number of diseases on the whole. Periodontal diseases are the most widespread disorders among other stomatological illnesses in population from bad environmental area. In this study we have established significant changes in connective tissue produced by the enhanced collagen destruction originated by the combined action of toxicants. The aim of our research is the investigation of disordered metabolic periodontal processes in animals by modeling Nitrite-Cadmium intoxication throughout the experiment. Object and methods of investigation. There were 28 animals involved in experiment (white, non-breeding male rats, weighing 180-200 grams). The animals were intoxicated by Nitrite Sodium and Cadmium Chloride over the period of 10 days. The material (periodontal tissue) was collected on the 1,14 and 28 day by decapitation performed with general etheric anesthesia when administration of toxicants was finished. The animals were divided into the following experimental groups: Group 1 – 10 control (intact) animals that were administered with physiological solution (0, 9% Sodium Chloride); Group 2 – 18 animals intoxicated with Nitrite Sodium and Cadmium Chloride by a dosage 1/10 LD50 over 10 days. We have also estimated the amount of Calcium, activity of alkaline phosphatase, concentration of non-organic Phosphorus and hydroxiproline in 28 animals affected by xenobiotics. This investigation was completed in periodontal homogenate by unified methods with reagent set «Simko LTD». The contain of macro and microelements in bone tissues of the jaws was assessed by atomic absorption method using spectrophotometer С – 115 PK. Results. The biochemical data demonstrated significant metabolic disorders and Calcium-Phosphorus misbalance in periodontal tissues of experimental animals. The study shows that amount of Calcium, Copper and Zink has decreased and contain of Cadmium and Magnesium, on the other hand, has increased. The activity of alkaline phosphatase has also experienced some changes with a rise at the end of the research that influenced a climb of nonorganic Phosphorus in periodontium. There was also a climb of hydroxiproline caused by a combined intoxication that proves the enhanced collagen destruction and leads to weakening of mineralization in organic matrix of the hard periodontal tissue and increases its resorption. Summary. There are notable changes in the contain of Calcium, Copper, Zink, Magnesium and Cadmium in periodontal tissues caused by Cadmium-Nitrite intoxication and significant variations in periodontal homogenate, especially in activity of alkaline phosphatase, amount of Calcium, non-organic Phosphorus and concentration of hydroxiproline that reflect metabolic disorders in periodontium. The investigation demonstrates a reduction of Calcium and a rise of Phosphorus in comparison with control animals. The data appear to confirm the link with demineralization of the hard periodontal tissues as physiological process converts into pathological. Expressive rise of hydroxiproline in periodontal tissues indicates increased collagen destruction that lowers mineralization of the hard periodontal tissue and stimulates its resorption.
nitrite-cadmium intoxication, periodontal tissues, macro and microelements, non-organic Phosphorus, activity of alkaline phosphatase, hydroxiproline.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (151), 2019 year, 236-240 pages, index UDK 546.48+546.173+616-008.9+616.314-002.4+616.31-085