About the author:
Matolych U. D., Ushtan S. V., Petrow D. B.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area occupy one of the leading places in the nomenclature of surgical stomatological diseases. This is due to their significant frequency, prevalence and polymorphism of clinical manifestations. Aim: to study and analyze the structure of inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area of patients who were hospitalized in the departments of maxillofacial surgery in Lviv. Object and methods of the research. A retrospective analysis of the history of the diseases of patients with inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area that were treated at the departments of the maxillofacial surgery of the MNE “Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care” and the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital for the period 2016-2018 was carried out. Results of the research and discussion. 7358 patients were treated, of which 38% (2797/7358) with inflammatory processes. The overwhelming majority, 56.8% (1589/2797) of the patients – the inhabitants of the city, 43.2% (1208/2797) – the villagers. Seasonal fluctuations in disease growth were not detected. The share of men was 58.6% (1639/2797), women – 41.4 (1158/2797). The structure of the diseases was dominated by phlegmons and abscesses – 31.9% (893/2797): 46.8% (1309/2797) of patients with phlegmons localized in one anatomical region; 48.7% (1363/2797) of patients with phlegmons, localized in two or more sites, and 4.5% (125/2797) of patients with phlegmons of the bottom of the oral cavity and half of the face. It is necessary to note an increase in the number of patients with periodontitis, 5.4% (150/2797), periostitis 15% (420/2797), furuncles and carbuncles. A stable high level of maxillary sinusitis was found at 16.1% (449/2797) and lymphadenitis (9.8%) (272/2797). The largest number of diseases was in the young age group (25-44 years), which is 45% (1259/2797). The increase in the number of peridotites of 5.4% (150/2797), periostitis 15 % (420/2797) indicates an increase in the number of cases of complicated forms of caries requiring surgical intervention and / or tooth extraction. It is necessary to note an increase in the number of patients with boils and face carbuncles in 2018 – 7.9% (75/945). Since the vast majority of patients with this nosology were at the age of 18-24, it can be assumed that the cause is malformation of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, the nature of their secretion, hormonal factor and genetic determination. Untimely or inadequate treatment can also lead to the development of this pathology. In the structure of diseases, a large number of maxillary sinusitis was detected – 16.1% (449/2797). In our opinion, this is due to an increase in the number of acute and chronic periapical centers of infection, perforation of the bottom of the sinus, errors in endodontic treatment, pushing the fragments and root of the teeth in the maxillary sinus when removed. An analysis of conducted microbiological studies indicates the advantage of aerobic flora (81.2%). Microorganisms were both in monoculture and in associations. In associations, staphylococci and streptococcus (13.9%) were the most frequently encountered. There is a tendency to increase the level of antibiotic resistance, both in monoculture and in associations. Conclusions. The problem of inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area does not lose its relevance, as evidenced by a consistently high number of patients with this pathology. The total share of inflammatory diseases is 38% in the structure of diseases maxillofacial area. Among nosological forms, abscesses and phlegmons prevailed – 31.9%. This leads to continuous monitoring and thorough analysis for the purpose of long-term planning and optimization of surgical care for patients with this pathology
maxillofacial area, inflammatory diseases.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (151), 2019 year, 241-243 pages, index UDK 617.523/.528-002.3-018.6