Zykova N. P., Nebesna Z. M.


About the author:

Zykova N. P., Nebesna Z. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Thermal burns account for 90-95% of all exogenous injuries. Studies of histological changes and morphometric parameters of the pancreas in normal condition, as well as the impact on the body of various exogenous factors, including thermal burns, allow a more objective study of the morphological state of the organ structural components. The aim of the work is to study the dynamics of morphological and morphometric changes of the exocrine pancreas in the dynamics after experimental thermal trauma of the skin. Grade IIb burn (20% of the body surface) was applied with copper plates at temperature 97-100ºC on the epilated back skin surface of 40 experimental mature white rats for 10 seconds under thiopental sodium anesthesia. Animal decapitation was performed on 1st, 7th, 14th and 21st days of the experiment. The preparation of histological slides was carried out according to conventional method. Histological specimens were examined and documented using a MICROmed SEO SCAN optical microscope and a Vision CCD Camera. Histo- and morphometric studies after thermal burns revealed that there were significant changes in the exocrine part of the pancreas. Thus, after the burn, in all terms of the experiment there is an increase of the area of the stromal component on a 1st day by 1.99 times, on a 7th days – 3.28 times, 14th day – 3.84 times, 21st day – 4.65 times and reduction of the parenchymal component on a 1st day by 14%, 7th day – 27.5%, 14th day – 36%, 21st day – 49%; reduction of the area of acini on a 1st day – 11%, 7th day – 20%, 14th day – 25%, 21st day – 34%; increase in the area of the nucleus on a 1st day by 25%, 7th day – 52% and decrease its area on a 14th day – 15%, 21st day – 41%; increase in the area of the cytoplasm in the early stages by 7% and 9%, and in the late stages decrease in its area by 7% and 8%; with a reduction of the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio. Therefore, severe thermal injury causes the remodeling of all structural components of the pancreas. In the early stages of the experiment, adaptive-compensatory and initial destructive processes develop, and in the later stages – there are destructive-degenerative changes.


pancreas, thermal burn, morphometry.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (165), 2022 year, 59-69 pages, index UDK 616.37-091.8:616-001.17]-092.9