Kulbitska V. V., Nebesna Z.M.


About the author:

Kulbitska V. V., Nebesna Z.M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Burn injury today is one of the most important medical and social problems. Burns of IIB Grade determine the development of burn disease, the pathogenesis of which is typical of the development of multiple organ failure and severe dyscirculatory disorders in the organs. Severe burn injury also leads to metabolic disorders and activation of stress-releasing hormonal systems of the body. In particular, the adrenal glands play a key role in the regulation of inflammatory processes and homeostasis. The morphofunctional state of these glands affects the development of mechanisms of adaptation of the body to any type of stress factor. However, nowadays, data demonstrating the features of histological and morphometric reorganization of the adrenal glands in the dynamics after the action of burn injury have not been studied enough. The aim of the study was to examine microscopic and morphometric changes of the adrenal glands after experimental thermal injury. The experimental study was performed on 40 adult male rats weighing 180-250 g. Burns of IIB Grade in animals were simulated under thiopental-sodium anesthesia by applying copper plates heated in water to the epilated surface of the back of rats. After decapitation, the adrenal glands were collected for morphological examination on days 1st, 7th, 14th, and 21st of the experiment. The preparation of histological specimens was carried out according to generally accepted methods. Morphological studies were performed using a MICROmed SEO SCAN microscope and photo-documented using a Vision CCD Camera. Morphometrically determined the average values of the area of cortex and medulla of the adrenal glands, the width of the areas of the cortex, the average area of cells, their nuclei, cytoplasm and nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio. The results of microscopic and morphometric studies of the adrenal glands showed a gradual increase in the width of all areas of the cortex and medulla of the gland, which occurred mainly due to intracellular edema and indicates an increase in destructive and dystrophic changes. Thus, at different times of the experiment, the width of all zones of the adrenal cortex increased. On the 1st day, the thickness of the cortex increased by 2.73% relative to the intact group of animals, on the 7th day – by 12.47%, on the 14th day – by 16.92% and on the 21st day – by 10.44%, respectively. Morphometric indicators of the study of the medulla area also indicate its increase, in particular on a 1st day – the area increased by 1.14 times relative to control, on day 7th – 1.87 times, on day 14th – 2.53 times and on day 21st – 2.96 times, respectively. In the early stages of the experiment, adaptive-compensatory changes and signs of initial destructive changes in the adrenal gland were established. In the late stages develop deep destructive-degenerative changes in the body, as evidenced by the presence of endocrinocytes with signs of cytoplasmic edema, hyperchromic nuclei, sharply dilated blood vessels, areas of necrosis, growth of connective tissue elements. These destructive-degenerative changes are also confirmed by metric data of the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio of endocrinocytes at different times of the study, as well as changes in the average area of endocrinocytes, the area of their nuclei and cytoplasm.


adrenal gland, burn injury, morphometry, histology.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (165), 2022 year, 89-97 pages, index UDK 616.45-091.8:616.5-001.17]-092.9