Kolosova I. I., Titov G. I., Trushenko O. S., Vyselko A. D., Kopatskaya M. V., Lushnya L. M., Makarets M. F.


About the author:

Kolosova I. I., Titov G. I., Trushenko O. S., Vyselko A. D., Kopatskaya M. V., Lushnya L. M., Makarets M. F.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Many harmful chemical compounds affect organisms from urban areas. However, the most common chemical causes of environmental pathology are heavy metals, including cadmium. This substance is widely used in modern technology and industry that led to a significant increase in the part of cadmium compounds in anthropogenic pollution. Under conditions of man-caused load, the tissues of the mother-placenta-fetus system contain cadmium in high concentrations, which causes a high toxic load during pregnancy and adversely affects the processes of embryogenesis. Even low doses of heavy metals have an embryotoxic effect, which is manifested in a decrease in the number of live fetuses and an increase in overall, preimplantation and postimplantation embryonic mortality. The aim of our study was to experimentally study and compare the embryolethality and embryotoxicity of cadmium chloride and metal citrates depending on the duration of their intragastric administration (within 13 or 20 days of gestation). Materials and methods. Determination of the potential embryotoxic effects of cadmium chloride in isolation (at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg) and under conditions of citrate correction was performed by calculating and comparing standard indicators of embryonic development, namely: average fetal number, total embryonic mortality, preimplantation mortality, and post-implantation the 13th and 20th day of embryogenesis. The study used young female Wistar rats weighing 170-200 g. The experimental animals were divided into 6 groups (control, cadmium chloride group, cadmium chloride + cerium citrate, cadmium chloride + germanium citrate, cadmium chloride + zinc citrate, cadmium chloride + nanocomposite). From the first to the twelfth or nineteenth day of pregnancy, females received saline or citrate solutions according to group. Analysis of results. As a result of the study, it was found that intragastric administration of Wistar cadmium chloride at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg (in terms of metal) has an embryolethal effect, which is a significant increase in overall embryonic mortality (4.2 and 3.7 times), preimplantation (6.5 and 14.0 times) and postimplantation (3.0 and 2.5 times) mortality and reduced intrauterine survival (17.1% and 18.7%) compared with the control group on both studied terms of embryogenesis. In the groups of combined action of cadmium chloride with citrates of metals, the data obtained indicate a decrease in the accumulation of cadmium under the influence of the studied citrates, which allows them to be considered as potential bioantagonists of cadmium chloride.


embryogenesis, embryonic mortality, cadmium chloride, experiment.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (162), 2021 year, 77-82 pages, index UDK 612.3:591.39:661.852:661.782-092.9