Rudenko K. M., Pisarevskaya I. A., Zherzhova T. A., Chernenko G. P., Yevtushenko T. V., Boyko O., Myakushko V. A.


About the author:

Rudenko K. M., Pisarevskaya I. A., Zherzhova T. A., Chernenko G. P., Yevtushenko T. V., Boyko O., Myakushko V. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


At present, cadmium is a pervasive pollutant of concern around the world. It enters the human body through the respiratory or digestive tract. Food crops grown on cadmium-containing soils or on soils naturally rich in this metal, as well as smoking, are the main source of unprofessional exposure to this metal. The effects of cadmium on the human body occur in photography, in the manufacture of batteries and accumulators, in the manufacture of cigarettes, fertilizers, in the automotive and aircraft industries. Teratogenic factors act during certain critical periods of ontogenesis, especially during embryogenesis. The aim of this study was to experimentally determine the effect of low doses of cadmium (2.0 mg/kg) and copper (0.1 mg/kg) on the overall course of rat embryogenesis with combined administration throughout pregnancy. For the experiment, received females with a dated pregnancy. The estrous cycle of females was examined by vaginal swabs. The solutions were administered by gavage, intragastrically, once a day, from the first day of pregnancy: group I – control, group II – administration of cadmium chloride solution at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg – group of isolated cadmium administration and group III – combined administration of cadmium chloride, at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg with copper succinate at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg. The solution of cadmium chloride was ionic, and the solution of copper succinate – nanoaquachelate. Intrauterine survival was highest in the control group on the 19th day of embryogenesis (95.29%), and lowest in the group exposed to cadmium chloride on the 19th day (75.07%). As the analysis of the obtained results showed, there is a pronounced embryotoxic effect of cadmium chloride on the processes of embryogenesis, which is a significant increase in overall embryonic mortality, preimplantation and postimplantation mortality compared with the control group at all studied terms of embryo.


cadmium, copper, embryogenesis.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (162), 2021 year, 83-86 pages, index UDK 612.3:591.39:661.852:661.782-092.9