Yeroshenko H. A., Klepets O. V., Riabushko O. B., Vatsenko A. V., Ulanovska-Tsyba N. A., Perederii N. O., Shevchenko K. V.


About the author:

Yeroshenko H. A., Klepets O. V., Riabushko O. B., Vatsenko A. V., Ulanovska-Tsyba N. A., Perederii N. O., Shevchenko K. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Medical biology is one of the fundamental disciplines of the medical-biological cycle, which aims to form concepts about the basic laws of human life at all levels of life. The knowledge gained by students in the study of this course is of great practical importance, as its educational material is related to many theoretical and clinical disciplines. Modern educational literature on medical biology contains a large number of eponymous terms that reflect the recognition of the personal contribution of prominent scientists and famous doctors in the development of medical science and practice and is a cultural and historical component of the professional language of medicine. The use of eponymous terms makes the study material more concise and emotionally colored, brings it closer to the professional level of a specialist. Students are better versed in the curriculum and are more likely to memorize difficult eponymous terms if they understand their origins. Usually in the educational literature most eponyms are used without explaining their origin. In this regard, there is a need to focus the attention of participants in the educational process on the history of the emergence and formation of some medical and biological eponyms. The aim of the paper is to analyze eponymous terms (Krebs cycle, Golgi complex, Barr body, Davidson body) and to outline their didactic significance in course of medical biology (chapter «Сell biology»). The results of the analysis showed that the considered eponymous terms occupy an important place in the study of many topics of the practical course of medical biology. Familiarizing students with the origin and formation of eponyms allows to reveal the essence of biological objects, phenomena and patterns, to integrate with other disciplines, to expand the scientific and cultural horizons of students, to promote their professional language acquisition. The presented material can be used for in-depth study of medical biology, particularly, in preparing for the All-Ukrainian Student Subject Olympiad and organization of the students’ research work.


eponyms, medical-biological terminology, medical biology, cell biology, molecular biology.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (162), 2021 year, 218-222 pages, index UDK 378.6:61.016:576/577:81’373.231/232