Shatorna V. F., Abramov S. V., Sorokin V. O., Davydenko I. V., Chernilovskaya S. V., Kopatskaya M. V., Velikorodny V. I.


About the author:

Shatorna V. F., Abramov S. V., Sorokin V. O., Davydenko I. V., Chernilovskaya S. V., Kopatskaya M. V., Velikorodny V. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Work is devoted to the study of of morphological changes of rat embryo liver structures in prenatal and early postnatal period of ontogenesis under the influence of cadmium chloride and citrate at isolated introduction and under conditions of selenium citrate and germanium citrate correction. The experimental study was performed on laboratory rats, the introduction of the studied factors was performed on females intragastrically daily (chronic exposure) from the first day to the end of pregnancy. The morphological materials of the study were liver of embryos on the 20th day of gestation and 10-day-old rats. The use of embryological, statistical, histological and immunohistochemical methods allowed to study the indicator and the main changes in the morphogenesis of embryonic liver under the action of solutions of cadmium chloride/cadmium citrate at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg with isolated administration of (0.1 mg/kg), or selenium citrate (0.1 mg/kg). Studies of liver weight on the 20th day of embryogenesis showed changes compared to control values. To exclude the error in estimating the dynamics of changes in the weight of the embryo and liver mass, the paper calculated the hepatofetal index (GFI), ie the ratio of wet liver mass to wet mass of the fixed embryo. The average weight of fetal liver in the control group was 0.29±0.03 g, and GFI was 0.082±0.011. When exposed to cadmium chloride, the mean liver mass increased unreliably relative to control – 0.30±0.01 g, but the embryos had a reduced mean body weight and GFI (0.096±0.002) increased by 11.6%, this difference was significant 0.05). In the group of exposure to cadmium citrate, the wet weight of the liver at this time of development decreased in comparison with both the control and the group of exposure to cadmium chloride and amounted to ±0.02 g. But the decrease in the weight of the embryos themselves showed a hepatofetal index in the group of 0.085±0.003, the index had no significant difference with the control. Thus, comparing the massometric parameters of embryos and liver on the 20th day of embryogenesis, it can be concluded that embryos and liver development in the cadmium chloride exposure group suffer the most from exposure to cadmium. In the group of introduction of cadmium chloride with selenium citrate GFI reached 0.087±0.003, and in combination with germanium GFI was 0.091±0.008. Thus, in the groups of combined administration of cadmium with selenium citrate/germanium citrate, the GFI index approached the control values. The use of immunohistochemical markers revealed the influence of cadmium salts on the course of such basic histogenetic processes as proliferation and vasculogenesis of the liver parenchyma. As shown by the result of comparing the marker of proliferation Ki67, the highest degree of accumulation of this marker was determined when exposed to cadmium chloride, which explains the obtained morphometric data. When exposed to cadmium citrate, the accumulation of the proliferative marker exceeded the control, however, the compactness of the liver beams and the increase in their thickness differed from the liver parenchyma when exposed to cadmium chloride.


liver, rat embryo, cadmium, selenium, germanium, experiment.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (162), 2021 year, 280-284 pages, index UDK 616.36-008:546.48:591.3