Drujinina A. E., Bagatska N. V., Dynnik V. A.


About the author:

Drujinina A. E., Bagatska N. V., Dynnik V. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Preserving the reproductive potential of girls today is one of the most important medical and social problems in all countries of the world. Risk factors for reproductive system disorders include: lifestyle (chronic stress, low physical activity, unhealthy diet, violations of the regime of work and rest, etc.); use of harmful substances (tobacco, alcohol, drugs); influence of environmental factors; negative factors of the social environment (low standard of living, fears and depressive conditions, etc.); heredity; low level of access to medical services; imperfect system of counselling and informing for reproductive diseases and family planning. Genealogic analysis was carried out in 58 girls aged 12-17 with oligomenorrhea (OM) (13 girls with body weight deficiency and 45 with normal body weight), who applied to the SI “IСАНС NAMN”. Diagnosis of oligomenorrhea was confirmed in the department of pediatric gynecology on the basis of local protocols developed at the Institute; genealogic examination was conducted in the laboratory of medical genetics of the Institute. When conducting genealogical analysis in the families of underweight girls with oligomenorrhea, negative factors were determined such as maternal stress during pregnancy, threatened abortion, malnutrition in girls, infectious diseases in girls. In families of normal-weight girls with oligomenorrhea there were prevailed: gestosis in a girl’s mother during pregnancy and stimulation of childbirth; bad habits in mothers during pregnancy (smoking) and fathers; surgery in girls. In both groups of girls, family accumulation of pathology of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, oncopatology has been determined, and in families of girls with normal body weight – disorders of the reproductive system and gynecological non-inflammatory diseases, endocrine pathology. In families of girls with OM in the presence of burdened family history for gynecological pathology, the probability of developing non-inflammatory gynecological diseases increased 7 times, to reproductive disorders – 3.9 times


girls, oligomenorrhea, heredity, exogenous and endogenous factors.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (162), 2021 year, 306-310 pages, index UDK 575.1+574.2:618.17-008.8+572.512