Kohut V. L., Rozhko M. M., Pantus A. V., Yarmoshuk I. R.


About the author:

Kohut V. L., Rozhko M. M., Pantus A. V., Yarmoshuk I. R.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Restoration of bone tissue in atrophy of the cell process of the upper and lower jaws is still one of the urgent tasks of surgical dentistry. A promising area of modern research is the use of biopolymer composites for plastic defects of the cellularprocesses of the jaws. The aim of the study is to increase the efficiency of dental implantation in conditions of atrophy of jaw bone tissue by method of directed bone regeneration using resorbing membranes based on polylactic acid. Clinical observation was performed in 46 patients aged 19 to 29 years. Depending on the treatment, all patients with atrophy of the cellular process of the upper and lower jaw were divided into two groups, randomized by age, sex, and duration of the disease. In group I (23 patients) surgical treatment was performed using «Easy Graft» o steoplastic material and the polymeracid biosorbent membrane based on polylactic acid, in the 2nd group (23 patients), surgical treatment was performed using the «Easy Graft» osteoplastic material. The results were evaluated using clinical and biochemical research methods. To assess the dynamics of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment, the structural and functional state of bone tissue was determined using markers of bone metabolism. One of the markers of bone formation is osteocalcin. Surgical treatment using osteoplastic material and polymeric bioresorbable membrane based on polylactic acid contributed to the most pronounced positive effect on changes in clinical and biochemical parameters in patients with atrophy of the cell process of the upper and lower jaws. A scheme of surgical treatment of patients with atrophy of the cell process of the upper and lower jaws in combination with drug correction has been developed, which allows to determine the required amount of osteoplastic material, future volume and shape of the cell part of the jaws before surgery


bone tissue atrophy, osteoplastic material, polylactic acid.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (162), 2021 year, 311-314 pages, index UDK 616.314-056.71:(-008.1)-053.3