Kalinichenko I. O, Shchapova A. Yu.


About the author:

Kalinichenko I. O, Shchapova A. Yu.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The purpose of the study: to assess changes in physical development and functional status of children aged 10-17 years, who systematically use physical activity of various kinds in the dynamics of four years. Object and methods of research. The observation was carried out on 257 boys aged 10-17, who were divided into two age groups: I age group – children 10-14 years (113 people), II age group – children 15-17 years (144 people) (43.97% and 56.03%, respectively), who for four years attended CYSS in Sumy and engaged in various sports. The division of children into groups by the nature of physical activity was carried out according to the physiological classification of sports exercises, namely: groups of people who use acyclic loads of interval-repeated nature (biathlon – 66 people) and non-standard-variable nature (football, wrestling – 191 person). Information on children’s health was obtained by copying data on the results of comprehensive medical examinations in 2017 and 2020 from medical records. Anthropometric research and assessment of the functional state of the CCC was carried out during a comprehensive medical examination in a medical clinic. Results. Among people with abnormalities in FR, 2.73% more children with excess MT were found. At the same time, there was a decrease of 8.48% in children with insufficient MT, which indicates the uneven nature of the growth processes in children 10-17 years. Among children of age group I, the share of the group of people with harmonious FR increased by 12.29%, while the number of children with disharmonious FR with insufficient MT decreased by 4.47%, and with excess MT by 7.82%. Among children of age group II, the proportion of the group with harmonious FR decreased by 4.23%. There is also a decrease in the group of children with disharmonious FR with insufficient MT by 6.74%. The group of children with disharmonious FR with excess MT, on the contrary, increased by 10.95%. Among children who performed interval-repetitive exercises, the number of people with harmonious FR decreased by 13.87% and by 0.32% of children with disharmonious FR with excessive MT. There was a 14.20% increase in children with insufficient MT due to the group of children aged 10-14 and 15-17. However, in children who engaged in non-standard variables, there was an 8.92% increase in the number of children with harmonious FR and 0.73% of children with disharmonious FR with excessive MT. There was a 13.46% decrease in children with insufficient MT due to the group of children 10-14 and 15-17 years. Conclusions. Studies have shown that the direction of the training process significantly affects the athlete’s FR.


children, physical development, physical activity, adaptation.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (162), 2021 year, 330-335 pages, index UDK 613.955