The Physical Rehabilitation Means Application Urgency in Regenerative Treatment of Patients and Invalids with Injuries of the Upper Extremities
About the author:
Kanjuka Ye. V., Abramov V. V., Nekhanevich O. B.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article presents a review of publications on the problems of rehabilitation treatment of patients with injuries of the upper limbs. Analysed statistical data published in the literature over the past few years. According to the summary statistics of world domestic and foreign authors still persist global trend - the growth of «traumatic epidemic». This is due to factors of industrial progress, increasing the number of users of automobiles, the growth of road traffic and domestic accidents population. Traumas and orthopaedic diseases continue to impact on health indicators, determined by the growth of their prevalence, the increase in the proportion of adverse social consequences - temporary and permanent disability. The social consequences of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system significant economically and in terms of medical and demographic pathology due to weight, length of the rehabilitation period, high frequency to disability, higher health care costs. For primary disability index injury and diseases of the musculoskeletal system ranks third after cardiovascular diseases and tumours. Over the past 10 years this indicator increased by 1.4 times, amounting to a total disability of the primary structure of about 18 %. Objective: According to the literature to establish the relevance of application of physical therapy in the rehabilitation treatment of patients and disabled persons with injuries of the upper limbs. Object and methods. To address this goal, we analysed the available literature on selected topics in the period from 1993 to 2013 depth study of disability due to injuries of musculoskeletal system in the areas of Ukraine showed that occupational injuries are the cause of disability in 19. 9 % of cases. For localization injuries of the upper limbs - 30 % (including - 13. 0 % of hand injuries). And disability installed in 0. 5 % of cases, the second group - 13. 7 %, the third group - 85. 8 %. The structure of primary disability population in the pathology of the musculoskeletal system represents 21.8 %. Hand to the specificity of its function as a body of work, fine coordinated movements, the open part of the human body often subject to various injuries. According to local researchers, damage to the top limb ranks second among injuries of musculoskeletal system, which is 76. 3 %, with 31-48 % of cases they lead to permanent disability. One of the reasons for poor functional results of surgical treatment for injuries of the distal upper extremity is the lack of attention to issues of physical rehabilitation: a late start, the discrepancy between the means and methods of physiotherapy nature of gravity and antiquity anatomical level of injury. In the literature, there are no proposals to differentiate the means and methods of physical rehabilitation of patients with distant consequences of injuries of the upper limbs. Insufficient and conflicting data about the role of restorative treatment integrated use of physical, psychological and pedagogical tools of influence. The literature contains descriptions of some restorative treatment of patients with certain types of pathology brush, but questions dosage of local physical activity, depending on the timing and methods of rehabilitation treatment, and rehabilitation potential of patients and disabled people with older injuries of the upper limbs in the literature is not covered. Thus, analysis of the literature and our own observations regarding the problems of physical rehabilitation of disabled persons and injuries of the upper limbs, to draw conclusions about the relevance of the chosen research topic. Need further development and improvement of physical rehabilitation programs and disabled patients with traumas of the upper extremities.
injuries of the upper extremities, physical inability, medical physical culture
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«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 011-016 pages, index UDK 615. 825