Mykytiuk O. Yu., Olar O. I.

Glass and crystals in medicine

About the author:

Mykytiuk O. Yu., Olar O. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The paper considers the use of glass and crystals in medicine. Practical use in various fields of medicine is caused by glass and its variants properties. Due to its electrical properties glass is used for various lighting appliances and electrovacuum devices, including x-ray tubes, imaging system and laser manufacturing. There are important optical properties of the glass. Quartz glass is transparent to ultraviolet radiation. Glass containing PbO absorbs X-rays. it contributes to wide using of glass in scientific researches and medicine. Medical glass is used for packaging, storage and transportation of drugs, and of injecting and bacteriological solutions. Glass does not emit harmful substances, has no smell, provides long-term storage of products, is washed and disinfected well. Optical glass is used for eyeglass lenses, prisms, mirrors, cuvette etc. Optics is widely used in such devices as medical diagnostics spectroscope, thermal imagers, equipment for holography. Quartz glass is used for production of optical fibers used in endoscopy and UV lamps manufacturing. Organic glass is used for multilayer glass, optical lenses and lighting details manufacturing. Liquid glass is used as a biologically inert coating for medical implants. The porous glass is widely used as adsorbents and molecular strainer. Damaged bones and joints are repaired using the glass. Microscopic glass beads with radioactive materials introduced into the diseased organ are used for the treatment of many diseases. Nanomaterial that increases fluorescence is designed from glass. Therefore, for any disease diagnosis is needed a much smaller concentration of biomarkers than before. Ultrathin glass obtained in 2013 on the basis of graphene can be used to create electronic or optical devices for a new generation of medicine. Crystalline materials are also widely used in medical practice as therapeutic purposes as well as in diagnosis, in particular, crystalline materials solutions, liquid crystals, the crystals-fullerenes and quantum dot. The liquid crystals optical properties changing is basis cholesteric contact thermography. This method is used in surgery, oncology, and dental surgery for inflammatory diseases of maxillo-facial area soft tissues. The registration accuracy is approximately 0. 2 ° C. New electronic glasses of liquid crystals that replace bifocals are invented. These glasses change the refractive power depending on the current intensity passing through it. New crystalline forms of carbon - fullerenes possess biological activity that allows its using for the treatment of diseases. Modern medicine began to use inorganic nanocrystals - quantum dots that are capable to emit light at different wavelengths depending on the crystal size. Its glow is much brighter and lasts longer than most fluorescent molecules. It is therefore considered possible to use quantum dots as contrast to identify brain tumors. Quantum dots in the form of colloidal nanocrystals are perspective targets of modern medical technology.


glass, crystals, medicine


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 45-49 pages, index UDK 615. 4-033. 5 ± 548:61