Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygenation on the Prevention of Clinical Manifestations Mikotic Sensitization in Miners
About the author:
Gladchuk V. Е.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Introduction. In practice the work of specialists in maxillofacial surgery and facial plastic surgeons is necessary to provide specialized assistance to miners exposed to factors of the accident in the mines. Subsequent rehabilitation activities carried out in this category of patients in the clinic of occupational diseases. One of the problems in this case may be the development of clinical signs of sensitization, which in some cases due to the presence of foot mycoses in miners. The purpose of the study - to study features of the flow of foot mycoses during medical and rehabilitative measures in miners exposed and non-exposed factors of the accident in the mines. Materials and methods. The clinic of occupational diseases Donetsk SMU examined and treated 25 miners with the presence of foot mycoses. Patients were divided into two representative by age, professional, anamnesis and objective clinical data group (1st - 10 men who were hospitalized due to the influence of factors on them emergency methane emissions, and the 2nd - 15 men not exposed to accidental factors). All patients were treated with athlete’s foot, in accordance with accepted standards of Health of Ukraine in group 1 except that the patients received hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions - by the standard method of procedure. Substance P content in the serum were determined by ELISA before and after treatment. Statistical data processing was carried out using licensed software package «STATISTICA ® for Windows 6. 0». Results and discussion. Application in the standard therapy of patients with mycosis stop outer antifungal therapy in some cases accompanied by the development of complications such as clinical signs of sensitization of the organism - the so-called allergid (“mikides”) in areas remote from the primary lesion sites (mostly - on the body). Patients in group 1, despite the impact on their body factors of the accident at the mine, the appearance allergides/mikides (as clinical signs of sensitization to fungal infection) showed significantly (p < 0. 05) less than in group 2, which may indicate significant effects of hyperbaric oxygenation on the prevention of the development of such complications. Levels of substance P in serum (as compared to the reference values) were significantly (p < 0. 05) elevated in both groups, with a greater degree - 1st (prior to treatment, respectively, 2. 2 and 1.4 times). This increase indicates this neuropeptide show on neurogenic component of inflammation in the skin of the feet. After treatment in group 1 patients, it was reduced to about 2 times in the 2nd - became smaller than the original, but remained significantly higher (1.2 times). conclusions. Miners, patients with athlete’s foot, except for exposure to the etiological factor for the development of the disease may have a significant role and increased serum substance P (as a reaction to the constant action of stress factors - especially in cases of accident at the mine). After the hyperbaric oxygenation level of the serum neuropeptide reduced, which reduces its role as an agonist of inflammatory reactions and thus ensures prevention of the development of clinical signs of sensitization during antimycotic therapy. Using this technique therapy can significantly improve the efficacy of treatment of patients with athlete’s foot and reduce the incidence of complications and adverse reactions both at the local and at the systemic application of antifungal drugs.
athlete’s foot, miners, accidental factors, hyperbaric oxygen therapy
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 85-88 pages, index UDK 615. 835-056. 265:622