Grishunina N. Y., Nekhanevich O. B., Manin M. V., Bakuridze-Manina V. B.

Complex Treatments Influention for Regulation Movements Function in Childrens with Cerebral Paralysis

About the author:

Grishunina N. Y., Nekhanevich O. B., Manin M. V., Bakuridze-Manina V. B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Background. Cerebral Palsy lead to early and persistent disability. The upward trend in their numbers and lack of efficacy of treatment makes use of modern means of rehabilitation urgent medical problem. It demands the complex approach to treatment. The purpose of investigation was establishing of influence of treatment gymnastic on basis of dynamics stereotypes structure impairment and lasers acupuncture as a regulation functional condition and cardio rhythm variableness of children with cerebral paralysis. Methods. Neuropsychological functions and vegetative provision of activity and motor activity in 20 children with cerebral paralysis et in 10 healthy children. Depended on form of treatment patients were divided into 2 groups: first group of complex treatment with correction physical culture and laseroacupuncture and second group of traditional therapy. Results. The results achieved testly that the use of an individual physical culture in combination with lasero- therapy favours the development of compensatory mechanisms. We know that children’s cerebral paralysis leading to early and persistent disability. The tendency to increase their number and their lack of effectiveness of treatment make use of modern means of rehabilitation urgent medical problem . One such laser therapy. High efficiency of laser therapy and physical therapy provided by a universal mechanism for the regulation of systemic and organizational levels. These mechanisms implement integrative system limbiko-reticular complex of autonomic and neural components abnormal psychomotor determinants in infantile cerebral palsy are disorders of movement structure. Individual taking the differential of the complex movement correction was performed determining violations of article motor skills, by method N. I. Ozeretsky according to position classification levels of movements N. A. Bernshtein. According to recent reports, the plasticity of neural processes and the highest perceptible to drug therapy in the early recovery period cerebral palsy. In the late recovery period in the first place is a physical rehabilitation. In our work we studied the dynamics of neuropsychological performance and autonomic adaptive-compensatory brain systems, and clinical outcomes in patients with cerebral palsy as a result of laser acupuncture and corrective exercises with regard to neural disorders stereotype of children. The regulation of heart rate first group, for which physiotherapy was performed taking into account the dynamic stereotype in combination with laser therapy, characterized by activation of both homeostatic and neurogenic mechanisms. Conclusion. Criteria of treatment gymnastic in children with cerebral paralysis were worked out. Positive results of complex rehabilitation were obtained. Efficacy of complex treatment physical culture with lasers acupunctura was founded. Cerebral paralysis is characterized by decreased activation of the autonomic and central regulation of heart rate. Children with cerebral paralysis is characterised all levels of the formation of motor acts dysregulation. The use of physical therapy especially in combination with laser therapy promotes vegetative support of compensation and correction of dynamic stereotype movements.


cerebral paralysis, treatment gymnastic, physiotherapy, children.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 89-92 pages, index UDK 616. 831-009. 11:615. 825. 4]-039. 76