Influence of Lead Acetate on Rat Embryons Survival and under the Correction
About the author:
Dovgal G. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The lead treatment before and during the pregnancy brings to the abnormal development and sometimes to the death of fetuses. Lead gets easy through the placenta. The aim of our researches was to determine the survival of rat fetuses after lead acetate treatment and in combination with fervital and coenzyme Q10. The female white rats received the 40 ml 0,01 % lead acetate daily instead of water during 21 day before pregnancy. After fertilization one group had the same dose of lead, other - lead and 1 % fervital (inactivated fermented yeast Saccharomyces vini, «Pik III», Russia), or lead and 1 % coenzyme Q10 («Vitaline», USA). From 10 days of prenatal development, the embryos from the uterus were taken. The total number of embryos examined - the offspring of 98 animals - 944. 103 were dead. The survival rate of embryos was calculated from the average number of live fetuses share in relation to the total number in the control and in each group. In the control group (14 females), the average number of fetuses, which all survived, was 11,0 ± 0,21 ( total number of embryos 154). In the experiment (total group - 84 females, the total number of embryos - 790, embryos surviving - 687), the average number of surviving 8,18 ± 0,15 (p < 0,05), which was less than the average number of embryos in the three experimental groups - 9,4 ± 0,11 (p < 0,05). Each of the experimental groups had their own peculiarities. In the group without correction the total average number of embryos in a female amounted to 9,0 ± 0,19 (p < 0,05) in the group of fervetal correction number of embryos increased to 10,07 ± 0,14, (p > 0. 05), while adding coenzyme Q10, their number amounted to 9,14 ± 0,19 (p < 0,05). The average number of fetuses surviving in the group after lead acetate exposure amounted to 7,36 ± 0,31 (p < 0,05). In the total group of fervetal correction the figure was 8,89 ± 0,18 (p < 0,05), the correction of coenzyme Q10 - 8,29 ± 0,19 (p < 0,05). Average data suggest that the number of embryos in female is relatively similar in all experimental groups. These data indicate that there is a relatively greater impact of the fervital conservation of average number of embryos in the studied period due to less early death (within 1-9 days). In this case, those in the group without correction and the correction of coenzyme Q10 are close to each other. The reducing of the offspring number in the experimental group is a result of inhibition of ovulation and the destruction of embryos for the entire period of prenatal development. The comparative analysis allows to determine the effect of lead acetate on the loss in the number of embryos up to 10 days (due to inhibition of ovulation and the death of embryos up to 10 days) and the survival rate after 10 days, and to assess the impact of fervetal and coenzyme Q10. Indicator for the number of embryos that survived shows the prenatal lethal effect of lead acetate, the manifestations of which are enhanced with increasing duration of pregnancy. In fact, in the group without correction died 46 embryos (18,3 %), while adding fervetal - 33 (11,7 %), coenzyme Q10 - 24 (9,34 %). The best result in the group, which was used coenzyme Q10, as a lower average number of embryos in some age group compared to the group which received fervital indicates that survival improves in the presence of additional sources of energy, even in the toxicant exposure conditions. The decrease in the average number of live fetuses in coenzyme Q10 group relative to controls was more active than in the group with using fervital. Reducing of the average number of alive fetuses, relative to average total amount is an important indicator that reflects the impact of lead acetate on embryos that were established and developed to a certain period, more than 10 day, otherwise they would not have been seen. Lead treatment before pregnancy and during pregnancy in rats leads to a decrease in the number of embryos (up to 33 %) due to inhibition of ovulation and loss of fetuses. Fervital correction had more pronounced effect than coenzyme Q10 on survival rate.
survival, rat, prenatal development, lead acetate.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 93-96 pages, index UDK 611.08:611.013]-092. 9