Pharmacoepidemiology of Hepatoprotectors that Patients used for Treatment in Hospitals of Urganch City, Khorazm Area
About the author:
Ismailov S. R, Bekchanova. Y. X, Ruzmamatov SH. S, Ruzmamatov B. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of the research is to study the effectiveness and safety of current hepatoprotective treatment of patients with hepatobiliary system disorders, healed up at hospitals of Urganch city, Khorazm area, using the pharmacoepidemiological approaches. Methods and materials. 500 case histories of patients with hepatobiliary system disorders, healed up at hospitals of Urganch city, Khorazm area, have been studied. results of the research. According to the obtained data, 500 selected patients with hepatobiliary system disorders were presented by 195 male patients (39 %) and 305 female patients (61 %). Among them 269 subjects were from urban area (54 %) and 231 subjects were from rural area (46 %). 223 patients (45 %) suffered from chronic hepatitis and hepatocholecystitis, 200 patients (40 %) suffered from hepatic cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis with transition to cirrhosis, and the rest 77 patients (15 %) suffered from chronic cholecystitis. All patients have been prescribed hepatoprotectors separately or in combination with each other for the primary treatment. Pain relievers, spasmolytics, cholagogues, antiinflammatories, immunostatics, glucocorticosteroids, general health-improving medications, etc. have been prescribed for additional treatment. A total of 1265 hepatoprotectors have been used, i. e., 2.5 brand names per each patient. But, if some patients used 1 or 2 hepatoprotectors, then the other ones used 3, 4 or 5 medications simultaneously. From the 36 studied hepatoprotectors, the remaining 18 brand names have not been used at all during the inpatient treatment. However, the physicians achieved good results in treatment of patients with the pathologies. The treatment showed that positive outcome was achieved in 469 patients (93.8 %), 21 patients (4.2 %) showed no positive results, ill health was observed in 7 patients (1.4 %) and lethal outcome was happened to 3 patients (0.6 %). Foregoing concluded that treatment of patients, living in Khorezm area, with hepatobiliar system disorders can be limited to 18 indicated brand names of hepatoprotectors. conclusions. Among patients, living in Khorezm area, with hepatobiliar system disorders the major place is given to patients, suffering from chronic hepatitis and hepatocholecystitis, the second place takes patients with hepatic cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis with transition to cirrhosis, and the last place is given to patients with chronic cholecystitis. Pharmacotherapy of patients with hepatobiliar disorders in hospitals of Khorezm area is adequate to the severity of the pathological process and consistent with the recommendations, recognized by the International Association of Gastroenterologists. Physicians used hepatoprotectors separately or in various combinations with each other in treatment of patients with hepatobiliar system disorders. In treatment of patients, living in Khorezm area, with hepatobiliar system disorders generally 18 brand names of medications were used from a large arsenal of hepatoprotectors. Perspectives of further researches. Taking into consideration the significance of hepatoprotectors in treatment of hepatobiliar system disorders, further studies will consider pharmacoeconomy of the most frequently used hepatoprotectors, as from the 36 brand names, selected for study by physicians, 18 items were not used for treatment, and this should be noted in planning, financing and purchasing of hepatoprotectors by patient care institutions from the republican pharmaceutical companies and foreign ones.
hepatobiliar system disorders, pharmacoepidemiology, hepatoprotectors
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 111-115 pages, index UDK 615. 218. 2 - 085:577. 15