Disbiotic Proccesses in Pregnant Women with Extragenital Diseases in Nonspecific Resistance System
About the author:
Musaev M. R., Bekmetova Sh. K., Matmuratova S. O., Makhmudov M. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of the research was to examine the colon microbiocenosis in women of reproductive age, living in the arid zone, as well as in pregnant women with extragenital diseases. Colon microflora have been analyzed in 260 women of reproductive age, living in the southern cost of the Aral Sea, including pregnant women, aged from 18 to 49, with various extragenital diseases (asiderotic anemia, rheumatism and bronchopulmonary diseases) on trimesters. The indigenous microorganisms were found in near-to-norm amount, but not in all examined subjects. The obtained data indicate about strong correlation between extragenital diseases and intestinal miroflora. A colon microbiocenosis disorder has been observed in pregnant women with extragenital diseases. It was char- acterized by the decrease in plating rate and increase of number of plating microorganisms, as well as the number of elective microflora. Imbalance in the indigenous and elective microorganisms’ ratio has been identified. The increase of putrefactive microorganisms – Proteus spр., citrobacter spр., and, as a consequence, strengthening of processes of putrefac- tion and fermentation in the large intestine with absorption of toxins and putrifaction products in blood is of particu- lar importance. Unlike other regions, a considerable clostridium spр. plating has been registered. It has been established that pregnant women with physiologically current pregnancies with increasing dura- tion of pregnancy experience the increase in dysbiotic changes. If , within 1-14 weeks of pregnancy, the dysbiotic changes were observed in 20 % of cases, then within 14-28 weeks of pregnancy this index increased by 3 times (r < 0.001), and within 28-40 weeks of pregnancy the intestinal dysbiotic changes were observed in all examined (100 %). Within 1-14 weeks of pregnancy the subcompensated phase was observed only in 20 % of pregnant women from this group, and with increasing duration of pregnancy there was a tendency to occur the increasing rate of subcompensated phase (r < 0.002). The decompensated phase of intestinal disbacteriosis occurs among pregnant women with extragenital diseas- es, unlike pregnants without extragenital diseases. However, if in pregnant women with asiderotic anemia of II and III stages this phase has been observed in 40. 3 and 63. 2 % of pregnants, respectively, then in patients with rheuma- tism and bronchopulmonary diseases this index increased to 88,9 % (р < 0,001) and 69,2 % (р < 0,05), respectively. Various stages of dysbiotic process have been identified with similar frequency in pregnant women with extra- genital diseases, while disbacteriosis at decompensated phase (88,89 %) was observed in pregnant women with rheumatism. It has been found that with the increase of duration of pregnancy, dysbiotic processes became deeper. If the subcompensated stage of disbacteriosis has been detected only in 20 % of healthy women within 1-14 weeks of pregnancy, then within the term of 14-28 weeks this index increased to 43,75 %, and within the term of 28-40 weeks – to 91,67 %. The same results have been obtained while examining the colon microbiocenosis in pregnant women with extragenital diseases. The severity of intestinal dysbiotic processes in pregnant women is directly dependent on the terms of pregnancy, as well as on the occurrence of extragenital diseases (asiderotic anemia, rheumatism and bronchopulmonary diseases).
ecology, disbacteriosis, pregnant women, intestinal microflora, extragenital diseases.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 153-156 pages, index UDK 616-055. 2:618. 17]-07|575. 172