Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation Nonspecifically Alters the Adaptive Pseudoreactions
About the author:
Rybalko S. Y., Yashchenko S. G., Romanenko I. G., Pilunskaya O. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Environmental pollution is now a global character. Significant contribution to this process brings an increased level of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). This is due to the development of communication and computer technologies. Widespread use of mobile phones (MP) and personal computers (PC) not only facilitates our lives, but also raises a number of questions and concerns. Experimental data, both domestic and foreign researchers suggest the high biological activity of EMR in all frequency bands. At relatively high levels of modern theory recognizes the thermal mechanism of action. EMR absorption in body tissues due to the conversion of electromagnetic energy into heat. But noticeable heating of tissues is possible only when a sufficiently high voltage EMR – more than 10 mW/ cm2. However, the response of living organisms recorded at lower intensities EMR can not be explained with the energy positions. At a relatively low level EMR, it is acceptable to speak about information (nonthermal) exposure. When studying the influence of these factors on the organism it is of interest to observe the change in the signal indicator of general nonspecific adaptive reactions (NAR) – leukocyte (l). Integral indicators, adequately characterizing the type of NAR is the percentage of lymphocytes (l) and segmented neutrophils (ns), and their ratio (l/ns). Analysis of the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the integral indicator NARO performed on 75 adult white Wistar rats, weighing 185 – 210g, divided into three experimental (1- I -MP, 2nd – PC 3rd – PC ± MP) and 2 control groups. Isolation of the 2nd control group (C2) associated with leveling action inactivity (I), as the organization of the experiment the animals were tested with PC I caused by placing them in a pencil case made of plexiglass on the experiment. The duration of each experimental group was 60 days. Experiments were carried out daily and automated: mobile phones and personal computers included time in a desired pattern. Experimental rats is time contained in ordinary conditions at a temperature of 18 – 220C, under normal diet and standard lighting. Blood sampling was performed by puncture of the tail vein on the 1st, 15th, 30th and 60th day. The results obtained were processed statistically checking variational series normality. Used parametric and nonparametric methods of statistical calculations using Excel and license application packet MedStat. Ratio l/ns in the control groups during the experiment remained within the physiological range (1,84 ± 0,08 – 2,67 ± 0,03). This corresponds to the reactions of activation and training. In the experimental groups, significant changes have appeared on day 15. By group: MP – 0,93 ± 0,03; PC – 0,98 ± 0,01; PC ± MP – 0,87 ± 0,01, which corresponds to stress reactions. Later, on the 30th and the 60th day in the experimental groups absolute content of peripheral blood leukocytes decreased. The difference between the initial and final values of indicators of the content of leukocytes in the experimental groups was significantly higher (p < 0. 5 – p < 0. 001) than in the control. Discovered in the period monocytosis ( > 10 %) and elevated levels of eosinophils ( > 5 – 7 % %) suggests possible disruption to existing adaptation factor. Thus EMR personal computers and mobile phones potentiate significant changes in blood leucocyte experimental animals. Chronic effects of electromagnetic radiation leads to a transition of stress reactions at lower levels, which in turn can talk about the emergence of maladaptation and move the body into a state of pre-existing disease.
blood, personal computer, mobile phone, electromagnetic radiation.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 172-174 pages, index UDK 68:616. 15:577. 531