The Relationship between Lipid Profile Indicators and Instrumental Studies Results which Verify Ath- erosclerosis in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
About the author:
Serkova V. K., Vozniuk L. A., Romanova V. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
. The clinical diagnoses of atherosclerosis basics first of all on the instrumentic investigations as cor- onarographya, US investigation extracranial vesels, intravesels echolocation now. US investigation extracranial vesels is one of the most informational methods atherosclerosis diagnostic. The artery’s walls atherosclerosis become thick and rigid; lumen of the arteries deacreases. Dyslipoproteinemia is im- portant at genesis of atherosclerosis. But relationships between blood lipid profile and thickness of complex intima-media are unstudy insufficiently. The purpose of our study was to examine relationships ultrasound markers of atherosclerosis and blood lipid profile and to value their diagnostic and prognosis importance. The investigation of relationship between blood lipid profile and the results of instrumental studies, verifying the diagnosis of atherosclerosis is held in 75 patients with coronary artery disease. Patients with different variants of the disease are investigated. Duplex ultrasonography and color Doppler flow of the carotid arteries allows to collect more detailed informa- tion about the prevalence and severity of structural and functional changes in patients with coronary artery disease. Increased Lp (a) levels are associated with the atherosclerosis degree and complications appearance in patients with coronary artery disease and may be a criterion for its severity. The correlation analyses to revealed direct communication between index atherogenicity and thickness of complex intima-media (CIM) (r = 0,28; h < 0,05), and opposite communication between CIM and HDL cholesterol (r = -0,25). The relationships blood lipid profile with evaluation of ischemic activity according to Holter ECG monitoring was less pronounced except the connection of Lp (a) from time daily myocardial ischemia (r = 0,54; p < 0,01). Analysis of the lipid spectrum in patients examined showed proatherogenic changes compared with those in the control group: moderate increase of by LDL cholesterol level is significantly different from that of the control group (p < 0. 05) and a significant decrease in HDL cholesterol, but no significant changes VLDL cholesterol, triglycerides, increase in atherogenic index and a significant increase in the level of Lp (a). Hemodynamically significant stenosis was observed in 14 (18. 7 %) patients. Deformation of the carotid arteries in the form of curves (angular and loop-shaped) detected in 63 patients with coronary artery disease (84. 0 %) and 2 of 20 healthy subjects (10. 0 %). The relationship between changes in blood lipid parameters and the results of the carotid arteries ultrasound examination suggests that these non-invasive tests can serve as screening parameters in the diagnosis of coronary atherosclerosis at different stages of its development. Perspectives for further research. Early diagnosis of coronary atherosclerosis and its severity assessment by a parallel study of the carotid arteries structural changes and blood lipids contribute to appropriate treatment and preventive measures.
atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, lipid blood counts, instrumental methods.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 175-178 pages, index UDK 616. 1:577. 169. 127