Dubovik E. S., Naumova O. V., Korobov O. V., Myasoedov V. V., Mishina M. M.

Effect of LED Radiation and Antimicrobial Agents on the Morphological State of Tissues in Localized Pyoinflammatory Processes

About the author:

Dubovik E. S., Naumova O. V., Korobov O. V., Myasoedov V. V., Mishina M. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Recently admitting of new, effective and safe methods for treatment in human with use of superbright light increased. However, there is still no current scientific study for choosing the optimal parameters of optical radiation for its use in purulent diseases. Effects of the combined use of optical radiation and conventional drugs on tissue during inflammatory processes also are still understudied. The purpose of the study was to improve the efficiency of antimicrobial therapy of inflammatory processes on the basis of determining the morphological features in parenchymatous organs under various combinations of complex therapy with Novapim and blue and red LEDs. The comprehensive morphological study of the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen of the mice of inbred lines Balb/ cJLacSto with localized purulonecrotic process followed by Novapim and LED light (of blue, red spectral rang- es and their combinations) treatment has been carried out. The experiments were carried out in accordance with the national “Ethical Principles and Guidelines for Experiments on Animals” which correspond to guidelines of “European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Pur- poses”. Irradiation of inflammation area of the laboratory animals was performed for 5 minutes by means of spe- cially designed devices based on high-brightness light-emitting diodes emitting in the red (627 nm) and blue (470 nm) spectral ranges. Radiation power was 25 mW and a spot diameter – 10 mm. Histological sections of the organs were stained by hematoxylin and eosin, by means of Van Gison method, along with PAS- reaction and studied with the aid of light microscopy. The morphological pattern of the heart, liver and kidneys of animals that got Novapim, was characterized by dyscirculatory disorders in the form of stromal edema, vascular congestion, local perivascular hemorrhages; alter- ative changes (parenchymatous dystrophy of specialized cells, piecemeal necrosis of hepatocytes); mild interstitial inflammation with formation of piecemeal lymphohistiocytic infiltrates in the stroma of organs. In the spleen, as in an organ of the immune system, hyperplastic processes with plasmablast transformation of B-lymphocytes and macrophage response were observed. When using the antibiotic in combination with blue or red LED emission, restriction of interstitial inflammation, reducing of the severity of circulatory disorders and alterative changes in the parenchymal cells of the heart, liver, spleen were observed. The spleen was characterized by decreasing of severity of antigenic stimulation with the tendency to restore the morphological structure. In the complex treatment of animals with local inflammatory processes by means of antibiotic in combination with blue and red LED radiation, morphological features of antigenic stimulation in the lymphoid tissue of the spleen, inflammatory dyscirculatory and alterative changes in the heart, liver, kidneys are expressed at the minimal level in comparison with other groups. The data of the morphological study confirm that in localized inflammatory processes, the use of complex treat- ment by means of Novapim in combination with blue and red LED radiation prevents the development of general- ization of the process, enhances the reparative capacity of the organism that allows to consider this treatment for localized chronic pyoinflammatory processes to be reasonable.


localized pyoinflammatory processes, LED light blue and red spectrum, Novapim, morphological condition of the tissue


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 246-250 pages, index UDK 579:615. 33:615. 831:616-002. 3-091. 8-092. 9