Lvov A. S., Kazimirko N. K., Sheiko V. H.

Development of Motor Qualities at Students of Special Medical Groups and their Dependence on Mor- phofunctional Typology

About the author:

Lvov A. S., Kazimirko N. K., Sheiko V. H.



Type of article:

Scentific article


During training in high school students’ health tends to deteriorate. Thus, the second rate incidence increases by 23 % , and the fourth – by 43 %. Every year the number of students referred for health to special medi- cal group ( SMG ). In some universities, their number reaches 60 % of the total number of students. Problem of improving the efficiency and functionality of the significant increase student workload currently seems very urgent task. Physical education is the most effective factor in the preservation and promotion of health. At the optimal physical activity, all organs and systems work efficiently, adaptive reserves are large, the body’s re- sistance to adverse conditions of high. Attention of scholars studying the processes of adaptation, mainly directed at the extent and nature of changes in the basic physiological parameters in healthy people and those involved in sports. However, how to optimize the physical activity of students referred for health to SMG been adequately discussed. In the past two decades, physiology, medicine and pedagogy increased interest in studying the problem of cor- relation of the total, private, and local constitutions of the human body, which allows to identify and predict the origi- nality of reactive processes occurring in any organ or organ system. Interest in the study of constitutional features of human largely due to their connection with the different responses of the whole organism at the same dosage exercise and pathogenic factors. Relationship constitutional symptoms and health is one of the most important aspects konstitutsionologii. Scientific studies in recent years indicate that the different physical characteristics and closely related struc- tures motility are important, scientifically sound criteria of differentiation of the pedagogical process in physical education. At the initial examination of the students with different body types, established significant differences (P < 0. 05). The study found that the length of the body of 17-year-old boys most noted representatives asthenic-thoracic body type: 177,4 ± 2,97 cm Among 18-19-year-old students the most significant body length of young men have digestivnogo adding body. Maximum body weight was observed in students digestivnogo adding body. And it is characteristic of all age groups. For this indicator, it noticeably inferior to boys with asthenic-thoracic adding body. Аdding body muscle representatives occupy an intermediate position. Chest circumference of 17-18 – year old boys greatest repre- sentatives digestivnogo adding body. Among the 19 – year old students WGC more students adding body muscle (P > 0. 05). In the cross-country test results show the best exercises muscle boys adding body. Somewhat inferior to them boys asthenic- thoracic CT and TT digestivnogo boys have relatively low results . More flexible in all age groups are considered muscle boys adding body. Followed by representatives of the asthenic-Thoracic and digestivnogo body types. The same distribution of seats available and when considering all the other motor tests. In most power and speed-strength test exercises are statistically significant differences (P < 0. 05) between the constitutional groups. Thus, the aim of our study was to examine the constitution of the student body of special groups and their physi- cal movement quality. The results of the analysis of the physical fitness of students of special medical groups led to the conclusion that the best representatives of preparedness have muscular body type, the smallest – boys diges- tivnogo body type. Boys asthenic-type thoracic level of physical fitness occupy a middle position.


medical group, body type, quality motor.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 260-264 pages, index UDK 612. 122