Chernozub A. A.

Complex Method of Determining and Assessment of the Level of Physical Activity in the Conditions of Different Muscle Tension

About the author:

Chernozub A. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The work presents the results of research, identify and evaluate the level of physical activity in different modes of muscle tension. The rapid development of biological science in General, including physiology, neurophysiology and biochemistry has caused great changes in the theory and practice of the sport. At the same time, extremely problematic remains the question about the General and detailed assessment of the level of physical activity, which undergoes the human body in the process of physical culture and sports. The severity of the issue, due primarily to the problem of the establishment of safe limits on the level of physical exertion adequate capacities of the body, especially inexperienced contingent. The absence of such a adequacy threatens occurrence of pathological, the irreversible processes in the body, which often takes place in the conditions of unstable level of metabolism. The purpose of this work is striving is to create a comprehensive method of assessment of level of physical activity on the basis of multifactor system of calculations. As the research used the results of the different test of controls performed in 2007-the 2009 on groups of well-trained guys. In the process of research covered 180 people aged 19 minus of 1. 72 years involved in athleticism from 1 to 4 years. To solve the problems concerning the development of experimental method of determining the index of training load in athleticbuild (ITNA), which reflects the level of physical activity in certain conditions, muscle tension, and in the volume of training work (Wn), they used a complex system of measuring the components of the load during the exercise of force. In the course of experimental research was designed and tested a complex method of determining the key, the most informative indexes of physical load, on the basis of system of multifactor analysis of its structural components. Together with this, using its own experimental system of integrated settlements has allowed to determine, depending on the mode of training work, the parameters of the indices of training load in athleticbuild, the relative weight of burdening, the magnitude of the training load, which allow to estimate the level of physical activity in these conditions, muscular tension and adequacy capacities of the body of the studied population. Proposed the method of determining the value of the power load in athleticbuild allows: – clearly define the parameters of intensity and volume of the training work in the dependence of the variability of the components of the regime of power load; develop in a short time, having only the data about the maximum of your power ability for the body when performing particular physical exercises, the optimal program of training sessions depending on the goals, objectives and focus of the training process; control the training process with athleticism and manage them in the terms of various modes of load (not depending on the variability of its components); eliminate the complicated mechanism of management of processes of selection of weight of burdening the projectile depending on the conditions of the execution of the exercise; to assess the contribution of this method of multifactor system of optimization of the process of preparation in athleticbuild. Thus, analysis of the results indicates that the parameters of the indicators of the level of physical activity fully depends on the characteristics of the mode of training and the functional state of human organism. This unified method for control of the level of physical activity will not only contribute to the improvement of the adaptation processes in the organism of people of different level of fitness in terms of muscular tension, but will countering manifestations of pathological consequences.


physical activity, complex methodology, system analysis, muscle tension, complex calculations.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 321-326 pages, index UDK 796. 015. 62