About the author:
Avetikov D. S., Lokes E. P., Ishenko V. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Damages of bones of facial skeleton lay down 8% from all damages, fractures of mandible are 85-90% from it. There are a lot of difficulty in treatment and rehabilitation of such patients. There are a lot of factors that make worse the process of reparative regeneration of bone. One of them is chronic nitric intoxication. Nitric oxide (NO) plays important roles in the regulation of proliferation and differentiation of bone cells. Nitric oxide has double action on activity of osteogene cages. Its high concentrations inhibit a bone resorption, preventing forma-tion of osteoclasts and stopping resorptional function of mature osteoblasts. Its low concentrations exponentiate the cytocin-induced resorption and have the essential influence on normal function of osteoblasts. Ukraine is a country with a lot of agricultural regions, so level of using of nitric fertilizers is ample high. This way the maintenance of nitric oxide in food and drinkable water in some regions forms the chronic nitric intoxication of population. It makes negative influence on reparative regeneration of bones. The propose of this study was to ex-amine the effect of chronic nitric intoxication on the healing of fractures of mandible in different terms after trauma. In this research we used 50 white rats, line Vistar mass 140-190 gr, they formed 4 groups: 1 – intact animals (n=5), 2 – experimental group (modeling of chronic nitric intoxication, n=5), 3 – control group (modeling of fracture of mandible, n=20), 4 – experimental group (modeling of fracture of mandible against chronic nitric intoxication, n=20). Animals were decapitated at 14-th, 21-th, 28-th and 35-th days after modeling a fracture. Chronic nitric intoxication – the sodium nitrate was given at dose 200 mg/kg in aqueous solution for 60 days (everyday). This method helps to make the chronic nitric intoxication. Fractures of mandible – it was make an incision of gingiva in oral cavity lateral to left incisor, skeleted the man-dible, partial fracture were formed as visual diastases around 2 mm medial to the first molar. We investigated the content of calcium and phosphorus in mandibular bone tissue, Ca/P ratio and bone density in various terms of reparative osteogenesis. It is established a significant decrease of Ca/P ratio on 7. 9% only on the 14-th day after the fracture of the man-dible in chronic intoxication with sodium nitrate relative to the group of intact animals. Another indexes of mineral composition of the lower jaw bone had virtually no significant changes under the action of chronic nitrate toxicity in experimental fracture of the mandible. Thus, the mineral component of the mandibular bone had virtually no significant changes at the action of chronic nitrate intoxication in experimental fracture of the mandible. Prospects for further research. It is planned to conduct medical correction of pathological changes caused by chronic nitric intoxication in patients with mandibular fractures in the clinic of oral and maxillofacial surgery.
mandible, fracture, chronic intoxication of sodium nitrate
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 037-039 pages, index UDK 616. 716. 4-003. 93:615. 916’175