About the author:
Babay O. M., Gladka O. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Periodontitis is one of the major problems of dentistry due to its very high prevalence. Until now, one of the main problems is that hemodynamic and transcapillary exchange of periodontal tissues. Therefore of particular interest is the study of patients with generalized periodontitis features microcirculation in periodontal tissues, degradation of proteins and lipids. Recognized is the concept of the priority role of disorders of lipid per-oxidation, namely, strengthening these processes, manifested increasing lipid peroxidation and decreased activity of antioxidant enzymes. These data serve as the rationale for the use of antioxidants in the treatment of generalized periodontitis. Practical experience has shown, many of the proposed drugs are not widely used in clinical periodon-tology by virtue of having a plurality of side effects and contraindications. Therefore urgent search for new effective drugs of natural origin. Recently, widespread drug «Lipin,» which enhances the rate of diffusion of oxygen from the lungs to the blood and from the blood into the tissues, normalizes the processes of tissue respiration. The drug restores the activity of endothelial cells, synthesis and release of endothelial factors relaxation, improves microcir-culation and blood rheology. The mechanism of therapeutic action of hirudotherapy is individual. Thanks to members of the secretions of the salivary glands of medicinal leeches, biologically active substances have the following: anticoagulant, antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, antibacterial, anti-sclerotic, immunostimulant. The purpose of this research - the study of the efficacy of liposomal drug «Lipin» and hirudotherapy in the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis of II degree. In the clinic of therapeutic dentistry studied the efficacy of liposomal drug «Lipin» in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis II degree (CGP II). Studies conducted on patients with the conventional scheme using clinical, laboratory and statistical methods. We have observed 70 patients with HGP II in age from 23 to 45 years, who were divided into two groups - main (MG - 40 people) and control (CG -30 people). Patients of all groups underwent standard treatment. MG patients underwent complex treatment including hirudotherapy - posing 2-3 leeches on the gums of the upper and lower jaws, during the 5-minute visits, with an interval of 2 days and medical dressings based on of powders «Lipin» and tannin components in the ratio 1:1 and 0. 1 ml of oily solution of vitamin A and E, the bandage under the paraffin. Patients KG superimposed periodontal healing bandage comprising zinc oxide powder and tannin components in a ratio of 1:1 and 0. 1 ml of oily solution of vitamin A and E, and then coated by wax. Treatment of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis II degree using combined application of liposomal drug «Lipin» and hirudotherapy led to positive changes in clinical and laboratory parameters, namely, the normalization of the periodontal index, reduce the depth of periodontal pockets, monotsitogram blood normalise, increase capillary resistance and reducing of malonyl aldehyde.
chronic generalized periodontitis, hirudotherapy, liposomal drug
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 058-061 pages, index UDK 616.314.17–008.1–085.27