About the author:
Belikov O. B., Roshchuk O. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The influence of fixed and removable dentures (made of various construction materials) on the state of oxidative-antioxidant balance in the whole body and locally in the oral cavity is not fully elucidated. The activation of lipid peroxidation (LPO), functional status of antioxidant defense and intensity of nitric oxide-in-duced stress have been studied in 60 patients with acid-related diseases of gastro-intestinal tract with concomitant inflammatory periodontal disease in the presence of different types of dental prosthesis. Patients were divided into three groups depending on the construction material of dentures: 1st group – 20 persons with fixed metal dentures, the 2nd group – 20 persons with cermet dentures, the 3rd group – 20 persons with a combination of fixed metal dentures and partial removable laminar dentures. The most common pathology of organs and tissues of the oral cavity in researched groups is inflammatory periodontal disease, which was diagnosed in all patients with acid-related diseases of gastro-intestinal tract in the presence of dentures. The development of inflammatory changes in periodontium of researched patients is as-sociated with a high degree of activation of the oxidative and nitric oxide-induced stress. The increase of malonic aldehyde and conjugated dienes in the blood respectively in 1,6 and 1,7 times compared with the practically healthy persons (PHP) was discovered in the patients of the 2nd group (p<0,05). The concentration of reduced glutathione in erythrocytes was lower than the rate in the PHP in 1,6 times (p<0,05). However, the catalase activity in the 2nd group exceeded the rate in PHP on 18,9% (p< 0. 05). It was established that the intensity of lipid peroxidation in patients of the 1st and the 3rd groups determines the degree of periodontal damage, which is the maximum at presence of metallic inclusions in the mouth, what confirms by the growth of malonic aldehyde and conjugated dienes in 1,7-2,0 times in the blood and oral fluid. The disintegration of the antioxidant defense system parameters was registered: the concentration of reduced gluta-thione in erythrocytes in patients of both groups was lower than the rate in the PHP in 1,8 times. However, catalase activity in blood and saliva was suppressed (by 16,3% and 23,5% (p<0,05)). The considerable nitric oxide-induced stress activity was registered in the 1st and 3rd groups of observations: the growth of nitrite / nitrate in the blood respectively in 1,9 and 2,3 times (p<0,05). Systemic increase of the intensity of lipid peroxidation in patients with acid-related diseases of gastro-intestinal tract is also accompanied with the local activation of these processes, that’s why we registered the ascending content of end products of lipid peroxidation in the oral fluid. The presence of dentures with metal inclusions and the combination of removable with fixed metal dentures promote the development of oxidative and nitric oxide-induced stress in the periodontal tissues, aggravate the course of existing inflammatory periodontal diseases and induce new structural and functional disorders in the periodontium in patients with acid-related diseases of gastro-intestinal tract.
lipid peroxidation, nitric oxide-induced stress, fixed metal dentures, chronic periodontitis, acid-related diseases
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 066-069 pages, index UDK 577. 1+616. 3–008. 8:616. 314–089. 23