About the author:
Vu Viet Cuong, D. S Avetikov, S. B. Kravchenko
Type of article:
Scentific article
Patients with acute and chronic nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area are from 40 to 60% of the total number of patients referred for surgical dental care. Among patients hospitalized in maxillofacial hospitals, more than 50% are persons with inflammatory diseases. The problem of improving the methods and means of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of such patients remains one of the most urgent and more because the last few years has been steadily increasing number of low-intensity development, hyporeactive forms of inflammatory response, against which often develop local and gen-eral complications. Anatomical and topographical features are defined so that the beginning of the inflammatory process associ-ated with periodontal bacteria and toxins entering through the top of the tooth root. Leading here is a pathological effect on periodontal tissue endotoxin released during injury capsule gram-negative bacteria . On the other hand, negative local factors contributing to the development of infection are: deficiency or imbal-ance of the individual ingredients of the oral fluid, trauma associated with tooth extraction, bacteremia and inad-equate oral hygiene. This includes periodontal plaque, gingival pockets teeth about apical pathological lesions, tis-sue decay cavities and canals. When exposed to endotoxin antigen accumulates in the area of inflammation. Under the influence of antigens immunocompetent organs form antibodies with odontogenic sensitization. Disruption of the functional state of the body contribute to such common factors as infectious diseases, stress, temperature ef-fects, impaired function of various organs and systems (endocrine, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, nery, kidneys). Set acceleration odontogenic suppurative inflammatory diseases in patients with diabetes, malignant tu-mors mineral insufficiency, as well as in diseases of blood poor nutrition, drug immunodepressor. According to Tsarev and Shulakova (1996 ), with odontogenic inflammatory diseases sown aureus (15%), Streptococcus (6%), and obligate anaerobic bacteria (79%). Gram-positive anaerobes presented forms – bacteroids n fuzobakterii, Gram-positive coccus and some gram-positive bactery: clostridia, and lactobactery aktinomіcet. Important for understanding the pathogenesis of odontogenic infection is the finding of causation to it (according to bacteriological seeding of purulent foci) 86% of the resident microorganisms and only 7% – pathogenic strains atoms. Thus in recent decades has changed representation of the etiology and pathogenesis of inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area and neck, which determines the need for further search for new ways of informative diagnosis, prognosis, as well as the most effective conservative data category of patients treatments. Further research is planned to develop an algorithm for the treatment of odontogenic abscesses etiopathogenetic maxillofacial region with the inclusion of conservative therapy drug « lipin « containing nanocapsules fosfatidiholina and having antihypocsitic, antioxidant and immunostimulatory effects.
inflammation, infection, plegmon, abscess, endotoxin
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 079-083 pages, index UDK 616. 716+617. 52]-002. 32-002. 36-092