About the author:
Gasyuk A. P., Royko N. V., Novoseltseva T. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Ameloblastoma is an organ-specific tumor that is the most common in the angle of the mandible (80%), less frequently in the maxilla (20%). It is characterized by destructive growth that lead to adjacent bone destruction. The following forms are diagnosed radiologically: monocystous, polycystous and “bee honeycombs”. The following types can be diagnosed histologically on a biopsy material: acanthomatous, plexiform, follicular, basal, adenomatous, fibroadamantoblastoma, ameloblasts fibroodontoma, odontoameloblastoma. The aim of the study was the comparison of different histostructure types of ameloblastomas with its radiological manifestations. Histologic research of a biopsy material has been carried out gistotopographical study of sites of a bone which were removed due to ameloblastoma. The huge cavity was found at macroscopic studying of the first case which was filled with opalesce cholesterol containing liquid. The cavity is accurately limited from surrounding bone tissue, has equal contours. Histologically, this form was presented basal cystic ameloblastoma. In another case, the tumor macroscopically consisted of a plurality of 1. 5 to 1 cm cysts, alternating with solid areas. Growth without expressed border. During histological examination of a portion of the tumor, structure of follicular ameloblastoma has been discovered. Finally, in the final case, the tumor was of solid appearance. Cysts were not detected visually. Tumor dsd not over-lap the boundaries. Histological examination of the central portion the tumor showed a structure of acanthomatous ameloblastoma. Among stromal areas there were sites of cuticular squamous epithelium, with elements partial keratinization. In other central areas tumor with adenomatous structure can be identified. In sections taken at the border with the bone? structure of ameloblastoma resembled ameloblasts fibroodontoma. As a result of the research it is possible to draw the following conclusions. Ameloblastomas growth depend on their histological type. So, the monocystous radiological form histologically corresponds to a cystous basal form. It is characterized by expansive growth with clear smooth boundaries. Radiological polycystic form is comparable with follicular ameloblastoma. It has destructive growth. Finally, the radiological picture of “honeycombs” has various histologic structure in different sites. Thus, in the center of the tumor it may be acanthomatous or adenomatous forms of ameloblastomas. Thus, as on the periphery the structure of ameloblasts fibroodontoma was observed. Radiological ameloblasts fibroodontoma is badly diagnosed that doesn’t give the chance to surgeons to clean it completely and leads to recurrence.
ameloblastoma, morphological and radiological diagnostics
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 097-099 pages, index UDK 611. 314+616–006. 04]–073. 7