About the author:
Golik V. P., Jarovaja A. V., Janishen I. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Improving the efficiency of residual monomer extraction from ready done orthopedic constructions achieve that in addition to the aquatic environment specified temperature, the process of extracting potentiate creating a vacuum, which is an additional factor in the intensification process. That is, application of the utility model able to increase the efficiency and reduce the terms of reduction of residual monomer by optimal modes and taking into account the specific properties of the materials. To provide the evacuation of dental of orthopedic constructions we worked out a set of tools and devices, the appli-cation of which involves using of a special vacuum chamber (for monitoring temperature, pressure and controlled water supply) and the device to create a vacuum and defined technology of orthopedic structures evacuation. Obtained data about the level of microbial colonization of the surface of temporary crowns lead to the conclusion that its level is formed by the dominance structure of the colonization of Lactobacillus, which is positive, because the organism is characterized by its activity due to the synthesis of lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, lysozyme and specific antibiotic substances – baktericines, they are able to biochemically inhibit the growth of a significant number of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms Greater colonize the surface of orthopedic temporary constructions made from oure material. Assessing the impact of material for temporary orthopedic structures on the imunometabolic processes and the adaptation of the mucosa. In order to study the effect of temporary prosthetic restoration on the state of local immune defense is estimated secretory immunoglobulin content and key indicators of the enzymatic antioxidant protection circuit according to the number of elements of the dentition substituted prosthetics from material «Acrodent». The mentioned indicators of imunometabolic state reflect the adaptation state to the prosthetic restoration process, including the toxic effects of residual monomer. It is proved that the implementation on a laboratory stage of evacuation technology of temporary orthopedic constructions can reduce the level of residual monomer, which has a positive effect on the level of secretory immu-noglobulin and antioxidant enzymes. Microbial colonization of the surface of the temporary crown is formed due to the structure of domination and colonization of Lactobacillus can be reduced by material microporosity. Introduction on laboratory stage of evacuation technology of temporary orthopedic constructions can reduce the level of residual monomer by 30-40%, depending on the material, in the case of material «Acrodent» evacuation process can reduce the level of residual monomer from (2,69±0,05)% to (3,87±0,03)%. Comparative analysis of mikroporystosti material «Acrodent» with foreign analogues will determine that it is micropo-rosity(0,038±0,001) mmk2, which was significantly less (p<0. 05) than surveyed imported materials, which, in turn, did not differ between a this indicator: «SNAP» – (0,046±0,001) mmk2 and «TEMPRON» – (0,044± 0,002) mmk2. Obtained data about the level of microbial colonization of the surface of temporary crowns lead to the conclusion that its level is formed by the dominance structure of Lactobacillus colonization at low levels of colonization. The study of secretory immunoglobulin and antioxidant enzymes depending on the volume of the prosthesis revealed the presence of systemic relationships and satisfactory response adaptation on prosthetics, manifested primarily rising levels of catalase on the background almost stable levels of secretory immunoglobulin. Therefore, further improvement of orthopedic treatment is associated with a reductionof the level of residual monomer in prosthetic design, reducing of surface microporosity to prevent microbial colonization and enhance patient adaptation to a temporary prosthetic restoration.
time orthopedic designs, residual monomeasures, microbic colonisation
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 104-110 pages, index UDK 616.379-008.64: 616.36.369