About the author:
Gubanova D. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Introduction. Significant progress and implementation of new technologies in orthodontics can re-veal new opportunities and challenges in the diagnostics and treatment of wide range of dentofacial abnormalities, including the impaction of teeth. In our opinion, the problems of treatment of upper impacted canines are the most interesting as the most common. Accurate diagnostics and possibility of direct correction of the treatment plan is an invaluable advantage in preventing complications during orthodontic eruption of impacted tooth as well as reduce the time and improve the efficiency of orthodontic treatment. The purpose of the study. To increase efficacy of diagnostics and treatment of tooth impaction by determining the rate of intraosseous movement of impacted teeth, providing motion control of impacted teeth during orthodon-tic treatment considering mutual spatial arrangement of impacted tooth and surrounding anatomical structures. Objects and methods. The objects of our study were 12 patients with single-and double-sided canines on the upper jaw. The age of patients – 18 to 27 years, 4 boys, 8 girls, 3 patients had double-sided impaction of upper canines, in 9 patients had one-sided impaction, 1 patient had vestibular displacement of impacted canines and 11 patients had palatal displacement. All patients had been performed complex photographic and anthropometric measurements of the face and jaws, radiological methods (lateral cephs, cone-beam computed tomography) at the beginning of treatment and at 3, 9, 12 and 24 months after treatment start. To estimate the velocity of the impacted canines angles of impacted canines were measured and evaluated in all three planes of space, the distances from the tearing cusp of the canine to the distal surface of the crown of the lateral incisor on the same side were mea-sured. Also the average relative density of root cement of impacted canines, the minimum relative density of cement roots of teeth adjacent to the follicle of the impacted canines were calculated. Discussion. During treatment angles of impacted canines had been normalized in all three planes of space, the distance to the selected benchmarks reduced, resorption of hooks of impacted canines roots was observed, density of roots of adjacent teeth had varied. With this data corrections were carried out for a treatment plan – in particular, the direction of pull of impacted canines had been changed in order to increase the distance between the follicle of impacted canine and the adjacent tooth roots and prevent further resorption of the roots. Conclusion. An analysis of CBCT of patients with impaction of permanent canines had determined the average velocity of the impacted teeth with a standard methodology for their orthodontic eruption, changes in angulation of impacted canines had been calculated, resorption of hooks roots impacted canines was revealed, remineralization of hard tissues of roots of teeth adjacent to the follicles of impacted canines. All this makes it possible not only to evaluate retrospectively the results of the treatment, but also to control the dynamics of the treatment process that helps to prevent and eliminate possible and available complications.
impaction of teeth, dentofacial abnormalities, cone-beam computed tomography
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 123-126 pages, index UDK 616. 314–007. 13–073. 756. 8–073. 8