About the author:
Gubanova O. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Introduction. Treatment of distal occlusion is one of the urgent problems of orthodontics, considering its high prevalence in dentoalveolar anomalies – from 13 to 31. 3% – and the severity of different morphological and functional disturbances. According Arsenina O. I., functional disturbances in patients with class II malocclusions increase progressively with age, including dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). In determining the optimal timing of the treatment we tend to use active growth of the patient. With a tendency to vertical growth there are difficulties associated with unfavorable facial aesthetics tendency, to rear autorotation of the mandible and poor response of these patients to the functional treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the skeletal changes in patients with Class II division 2 malocclusions with a tendency to vertical type of growth during the two-step treatment with unlocking the lower jaw and permanent vertical control to improve the efficacy of the treatment. Materials and methods. This study examines the results of long-term observation of a group of patients who received early treatment followed by completion by fixed appliances at a constant vertical control (12 children – 8 girls and 4 boys). The comparison group was 4 patients which for various reasons declined early treatment and appealed to the clinic of the department of pediatric dentistry in the 12 – 14 years for re-consultation. All the children at the initial examination were established symptomatic diagnosis – distal occlusion, class II, division 2. All children were provided with photo-, anthropometric and biometric measurements of the face and jaw models; analysis of lateral cephs was made before and after treatment. All patients had functional disorders (infantile swallowing, speech, biting of lips and cheeks). Treatment was carried out in a complex: the elimination of functional disorders before or in parallel with the appliance treatment, myogymnastics, myofunctional appliances, removable appliances with screws, bite blocks, clasps on the upper incisors, own modification of Settlin’s clasp, facial bow with vertical traction to unlock the lower jaw. Results and discussion. After the phase of the removable appliance treatment on the upper jaw an interesting pattern was found: after elimination of upper jaw lock the spontaneous expansion of the lower dental arch was bigger than an extension of the upper dental arch by 1,1±0,4 mm in premolars and 1,5±0. 3 mm in the molar area. To make further progress the second stage of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances (edgewise technique) was carried out, intermaxillary elastics, facial bow with high traction direction. Managed to hold the growth of the upper jaw, cause its retroinklination, stimulate the growth of the mandible. Conclusions. When carefully planned early phase treatment may achieve activation of normal growth (partly without appliance impact) and manifestations of compensatory possibilities of stomatognathic system even in skeletal Class II malocclusions with a tendency to a vertical type of growth.
dentoalveolar abnormalities, class II division 2 malocclusions, the vertical type of growth, children
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 127-131 pages, index UDK 616.314.26-053.2-089.23