About the author:
Yeliseeva O. V., Sokolova I. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Nowadays the role of a microbial factor in development of parodontitis is doubtless, though the num-ber of works devoted to comparative analysis of oral cavity microflora in healthy people and in patients with chronic generalized parodontitis (CGP) is rather small [1, 4, 5]. Less studied problems include bacterial contamination of oral cavity in people with chronic generalized parodontitis (CGP) associated with oral lichen planus (OLP) which is currently considered to be one of the most manifest diseases of oral mucosa and which is in 80% cases accompa-nied by development of CGP. The aim of our study is a comparative analysis of qualitative and quantitative microbiocenosis structure of oral cavity in healthy people and patients with CGP associated with OLP. Materials and methods. The study involved 60 people who were divided into three groups. The first group (14 people) included patients with CGP of initial and light severity without OLP. 26 patients with CGP (initial and light severity) associated with OLP (common form) belonged to the second group. Patients with intact paradontium and healthy oral mucosa belonged to the third control group (20 people). Results and discussion. Examination of 60 patients allowed to single out 1087 strains, representatives of 32 types. In the process of microflora studying high frequency of anaerobic bacteria incidence was considered to be the most significant fact. Bacterial microflora most often (up to 100%) included chromogenic gram-positive rods of Prevotella and Porphyromonas species, gram-negative fusobacteria, on average in 80% of observations there was seeding of peptostreptococci. Besides, obligate anaerobes were prevalent both in quantitative and qualitative sense. Patients from the first and second groups were admitted to have increase of specific weight in microbioce-nosis structure of oral cavity of transient microflora representatives such as: Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Enterobacter clocae, Hafnia alvei, Citrobacter freundii. And although the frequency of the given strains isolation from the patients belonging to different groups is insufficient and varies from 7,1% to 21,4%, the given microorgan-isms of control group representatives were not isolated at all. Conclusions. It was established that microflora of oral cavity of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis associated with oral lichen planus is noted to have abrupt increase of opportunistic gram-positive streptococci. The same tendency is observed in the process of comparative analysis of seeding density of anaerobic opportunistic microorganisms. The detected structure of microflora can be characterized as dysbacteriosis of oral cavity which is diagnosed in all patients. This study revealed deep qualitative and quantitative changes in the biocenosis structure of oral cavity and its significant rearrangement in patients with CGP alone and CGP associated with OLP which occurs with the preva-lence of obligate anaerobes. Patients with CGP alone and CGP associated with OLP are noted to have specific weight increase of transient microflora representatives. Therefore, in the process of invasion of periodontal pockets with anaerobic gram-negative bacteria which are “marker” for periodontitis and with increase of their specific weight, representatives of autochtonous microflora lose the ability to control the presence of transient allotonic microorganisms.
chronic generalized periodontitis, Lichen planus, microflora of the oral cavity
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 146-149 pages, index UDK [616. 314. 17-008. 1-036. 12-008. 87+616. 516]